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20 The 7'rpll of as alfo by thofe various blowi'gt of the Spirit in them ad he plea. feth ; withwhich when their failes are filled, they are able to doe any thing, brat when vnithdrawn, they laywind bound, (though all habits ofgrace be hoya upand ready) and not able to move ofthemfelves. Now this principle of felf emptineffe habitually to live by it no carnali heart in the world hath it, or doth live by it. And 2. for this afTaance, they are trained likewife up (from the firfl) to have a continual! dependance, from a power from above, (without which they find they are able to do nothing) to come fromGod, and from theSpirit of Chria; with a renun- ciation of themfelves, which implicitely is the fame with this immediate intercourfe with Chria,and is really equivalent there- unto, though theyhit not at fi íl haply on the right explicite no- tion thereof (as having not been caught it by the Minificryof the Word,, or other wayes) in that dif}ind manner that o-, thers doe : and yet in honouring the Spirit ofChrifl dwelling in them, they honour Chri. , who fends that Spirit into their hearts, even as in honouring. the Sonne, Chria (ayes, that we honour the Father alfo : although our thoughts may fometimes more di- ílinedy beexercifed towards one of the three Perfons more then to another. And thirdly, when they are once taught from the Word,that it is the duty of a Chriflian, and part of the Ife offaith, to live thus in Chria, and tobring forth all in him and fo come di- flintily to apprehend this, as requifite to a right bringing forth of fruit, then their hearts inftantly doe ufe to clofe with the truth ofit, as being molt fuitable and agreeable to that holy frame of their own fpirits, which are Evangelically wrought to glorifie Chritl all manner of wayes that (hall be revealed ; there is an in- flin64, a preparedneffe in their faith to make Chrifl their All in aLl,, as any particular comes tabe revealed to them, wherein they ought to exalt him in their hearts;and fo this being once revealed to beone way whereby they are tohonour him, if they have gone on afore in a confidence on their owngraces, henceforth they doe fo no more, yea they humble themfelves as much for fo robbing Chrifl ofglory, or neglectingof him, in not having had that di- flinct recourfe tohim, as for anyother-fin. And