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aChriftians Growth. 2i Arad 4. though haplyafter all this, yet !till their union with him is riot cleared to them, and fo their communion with him herein (as mutt needs) doth [till remain dark alto, they therefore neither difcern that they have any true communion with his per- fon, norcan fay how ftrength comes from him ; yet having bins thus taught to fetch all from him , as was formerly explained, they do in a continual! renunciationoftheir own ftrength, deny all offersof aflì[lancce from any other ftrength, as namely that which their gifts and parts would make ; (even as they deny un- lawful! lulls or by-ends)and they Rill have their eyes upon Chrifi, to work in them both the will and the deed , and fo by a faith of Recumbencie , or calling themfelves on him for [lrength in all, (fuch as they exercife towards him for juftification, G el.2. i6.) they live byfaith on the Son of God, and have thereby fuch a kind offaith, a continuali recoul fe unto him. Upon which ails of true faith being exercifed by them towards him, He (as he is pleafed ro difpence it) moves them, and works and ae`lls all in them ; although Rill not fo fenfiblyunto their apprehenfions, as that they fhould difcern the connexion between the caufe and the cffea ; nor can they hang them together, that is to fay, know how, or that this vertue doth come from Chrill, becaufe their union with him is as yet doubtful! to them ; and alfo be- caufe the power that worketh in Seleevers is fecret; and like that of the heavens upon our bodies, (which is as firong as that of phyfick,&c.) yet fo fweet and fo fecretly infinuating it felfe with the principles ofnature, that as for the conveyance of it, it is in- fenfible, and hardly differenced from the other workings of the principlesofnature in us:and therefore the Apoffle prayeth for the Ephefans, That their eyes may be enlightnedto fee the power that wrought in them, Eph. i. 18,19. Yet fo as 5. their foules walk all this while by thefe two prin- ciples firmly rooted in them;both I That allgood that is to be done, mull anddoth comefromChrift, and him alone ; and z That ifany good be done by them, it is wrought by him alone, which doe let their fouls a.breathing after nothingmore then to know(hrifl in the po- wer ofhis refurreflion : And havingwalkt thus in a felfe- emptines and dependance upon Chrift by way of a dark recumbencie,when once their union with him comes to be cleared up unto them, they then acknowledg as theyEf.26.That he alone hathwrought all their