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tJn tt+ ein ein ein n e+ eß+ td, e+in et+ eh e4e tin eR3 ie ntn, c ei+ ei ein 19Prï: D! i,,,. . 1`;`,,,,4J` 1, ,: , ,, ° To THE READER. His following Treatife [The Tryall of a Chrifbians Growth] wasformerly printed during the time ofmy abfence out ofmy na- tive Country : and by reafon thereof had many imperfeltions andincongruities both it¢ flyle andmattter ; which, now being agaóne (through the goodhandof God upon me ) returned, I have endea- voured to amend. So as partly throughfame alteration in the methodandframeofit, partly by cutting off fame re- dundancies, I have reduced it to force betterJhape, and neerer proportion to its fellowes. The fcopeandway ofhandling thisfubjeet [Growth] is not Doctrinal! fo much, nor yet Hortatory, as either perfwading to, or d;fcourfing of a 'Chriftians growth in generali, (concerningwhich much bath been already writ- ten by others) But the moreproper aime ofthis rs to refolve ACafe ofConfcience, (like as thofe two otherpreceding Traliates ofmine have done) namely this, How todifcern our growth, andtoanfwer more ufuall temptations about it : L4ndfo there three Treatifes being of like fort and kinde, andproperly belonging to that part of Theologie which we call Cafe Divinity ; 1 have therefore in this new Edition ofthe whole ordered toput them together, (which is all the alteration Ihave made) although in their firft andftnglepubsJhingforre other came between. If in the performance thisfallsJhort ofmany more... 4 2 raifed