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To the Reader. raifedexperiments of Growth whichare found infuckas the iIpojlle John calls Fathers , elderly Chriflians, who with Enoch have walked long with God ;yet Ihavehoped thatyou that are young men (as he alfo ftyles the middle fort ofChriflians) that you may finde many things help - full to your right underhanding and judging of your growth, and which may free youfrom many makes in mif judging tbereof,andfo canfegraently ofmany tentations about it, which that Age of Beleeversare more peculiarly incident unto. Idare not /ay, I write there things to you Fathers, I never prefumed it in my thoughts; I my felfe wroteandpreached it when Iwas but young inyears, and for the timefaryounger ingrace andexperience. AndI Cor, to. ¿4. darenot (ifthegreat Apoflle would not) ftretch my fclfc beyond that meafure which God bath diftributed to me. Ameafure, which, yet, may reach you that arc...) youngmen,thoughmore eminent grownChrifjtians aregone far beyond the line ofit. The Godofgrace andpeace grant sss andall his children #irits endeavouring to (peak the truth in love (in thefe Ephef. 4, I. j, dividing times) that we may grow up into him in all things, who is the Head, even Chrift. ,Elpril 26. 1643 .. Tho: Gondvsn,