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46 The TryaNof him prefently. To fome God gives fve talents,toothers but two ; fo that he that hath five, hath as much given him at frrI, as he that had but two had with all his gains, aphis life time. 2. When a man is converted late, as he that came into the Vineyard at the eleventh hour, was furnifhed with abilities to doe as much as the reti, for they all rcceived but a penny. Secondly,in the manner of their growth,fome have advantage of others. 1. Some grow without intermiffion, as that great Apofi!e, and the Colofli ins, whofrom the firfl day they heard of the Well, brought forthfruit, Col. i.15. Others have rubs, and for fome timeof their lives Rand at a Ray : And thus fome doe, prefently after their firs converfion, as the Churchof Ephefus, who fell iJeb. s. ult. fromherfirg love : Others in old age,as the Hebrems,mho Whenfor the time they might have taught others, were fofar cal} behind, that they had need be taught againe the firff principles of Religion. Meafure therefore not fo your growth by a piece ofyour lives, but by comparing your whole life together. 2. Some die fooner, and therefore God fits them for heaven fooner. Dorcas dyed rich ingood Worker, Stephen dyedfullofthe holy Ghofl, Act. 9. It is with feverall Chriflians, aswith feverall Planets : the Moon goesher courfe in a moneth, theSun in a yeer, the reti in many years, fo as often they that live fhortefl grow faflefl. CHAP. III. What it is tobring forth more fruit, explicated Nega- tively by removingmany miftakes. LEt us avow fee what it is wherein Chrillians may be Paid to grow, that fo you maybe able to difcerne What it is to bring forthmore fruit. And this I will explicate twowayes. Firll, negatively, what it is not to bring forth more fruit really, though in appearance and in Phew it be a growth in fruit, which occations many mi- Rakes. Secondly;