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a Chriflians Growth. 47 Secondly, pofitively, what it is truly to bring forth more fruit. For the firff. Fiat, togrow is not onely or chiefly togrow in gifts, or abilities, as to preach, and pray, &c. but to encreafe in graces : in gifts onely, foReprobates may grow ; yea, and fo true Beleevers maygrow, and yet not bring forthmore fruit : The Corinthians grew fall this way in refpeet ofgifts, they were enriched in all utterance andknowledge, and came behind inno gift, I Cor. T. 7. and yet he tells them, that they were babes and carnal!, Chap.3.2, 3. And therefore in the a z. Chap. after he had fpoken of gifts, and endeavouring to excel! therein, (as they did) he tells them that indeed they were things to be defired, and therefore exhorts them to covet the beftgifts ; but, yet, fayes he, I Jhew untoyou a more excellent Way, in the lat ver. of that i 2. Chapter. And what was that ? It followes in the r 3. Chap, even truegrace, chariq, love to God, and love of our brethren : A dram ofthat is, layes h , worth a pound ofthe bell fruit ofgifts. And fo his difcourfe , Chap. 13. doch begin, ver. r. Though I/ea/ with tongues ofmen andAngels, yet ifIhave not charity, &c. Gifts aregiven for the goodofothers,to edifie them efpecially, z Cor.i 2.7. but Graces, as love, faith, and humility, thefe are given to favea mans own fou! ; and therefore therein is the true growth : Yet asconcerning this, I will propound a Caution or two. Indeed, growth ingifts,together withgrowth in San&ification Cctu608 a; running along with it, will increase our account, for God will crown his own gifts in us, if as theycome from Chrií?, fo they be ufed in him, and for him in our intentions ; but otherwife they puffe up and hinder. They ferve indeed to fet out, and gar- nifh the fruit, and to help forward the exercife of graces; they are good fruit dillies, to fet the fruit forth : But ifgrace grow not with them, we bring not forth much fruit, for at bell they are but bloffomes, not fruit. Again, men are indeed to indeavour to grow in thefe gifts of 2. memory, and inflrui ing others, and conferences, &c. As was faid to Timothy, Let thyprofiting appear to all, r Tim.4.r 5. and to the Corinthians, Covet the befl gift , efpecially whilfi you are young ; yet we are not (imply thereby to take an eflimace of our growth. G z Though