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The Ma1Y of more eafily he gets his lugs purged ; filch an one that trades im- mediately with Chriíi, will doe more in a day, then another in a yeare ; for feeing that the power of purging us lies immediately in him ; and that he is the purgingdug which mingles it felfe with the Word, and all meanes elle, and fets them all aworke : therefore the more of him we have, and the more immediate application we have of him to us, and of:his power, the tenore recourfe our hearts have to him, the more our lulls are purged ; as it is in drugs or minerals, if the infufion'aud fleeping of them in liquors will worke ; how much more if the fubfiance ofthem be taken downe inwardly and immediately ? now this comes to. pafP, as God doth goe on toopen our faith to fee him, and know him, and to be acquainted with him : for fo the Apoftle ex- preffeth it, Phil. 3. That Imay know him, and the power ofhù re- furreflion. The more we look upon all means elfe in the ufe of them as incffdtuall without him, the more power we flail find from him. Fiftly,by affuring the foule of his love, and fhedding it in the hearr, and by working fpirituall joy in the hearr,doth God alfo purge his people : And to work all thefe is in Gods power immediately and folely ; I am Crucified withChrifi, Gal. 2. 20. And how ? by beleeving that Chrift gave himfelfe for me, and lovedme. This deals a man to the world, makes a man crucifie that which Chrift was crucified for, and this makes a man hate finne, the more he loves Chrift, or apprehends his love ; And it doth this in a double relation or refprft, not onely becaufe fin fo difpleafeth him, nor onely as it is contrary to his will, but becaufe it did afílift him fo much once, and becaufe to take finne away was the intent he came into the world : for fo yam 3. ver. 4. although a beleever is faid to mortifie finne upon this confide- ration indeed, that it is the tranfgreffîon of the Law ; yet much more upon this other, becaufe Chrift mañifeH to take Pinnes away : and the more afíurance 1 have of another life and a better, and of being like Chrift hereafter, the more a man purgeth him- felfe to be fit for that condition : He that bath this hope in him, pwgeth himfelfe as he is pure ; fo in the 2.ver. of that 3. ofYohn. The more joy a man bath in Chrift, the more deaded he muff needs be to the world; theone eats up the other :for the ground