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a Ghriflians Growth. of all finne is but the love ofpleafure ; now if I find it inGod, and Chriff, it deads me for feeking it in the world : For Orris vitaguflm ducitur, All life is maintained by a cane oftome fweet- neffe. Now when the fweetneffe of fin, the relifhof it is fpoiled by the tafle ofa greater, it muff needs die and abate ; and though that fweetnefe fromGod doth not alwayes remaine in thepre - fent tafle and relifh of it, yet it leaves fuch an impreffion behind it, th ,it whatever a man tafis after, it hath no relifh with him, in cornparifon ; Bill he (ayes the old is better : and though the taffe of one finfull pleafure may take us off rom another, yet none but a contrary pleafure doth kill the inne, and the pleafure in it. CHAP. III. The tryall of cMortication : and that firf by Negative fignes 5 or fuck asargue much corruption yet remaining unpurgedout. ifWill nowcome to that third thing which was propounded, namely, Helps wherebyyou may difcerne what progreffe hath been made in this work : And as I laid at firíf, that my purpofe was not fo much tohandle Mortification in the common place of it, as onely growth therein ; So thofe things 1 (hall now de- liver about difcerning the meafure ofit, I intend them not fo much for Sipes of mortification , as Rules whereby we may judge how thisworke goes forward in us, and how far we are ifill fhort in it. And firff, I will handle it negatively, and give you fuch fymp_ tomes, as argue much corruption, a great deale of humoursyet remaining to be purged out : Such as argue little proficiency in this worke, though fuch as withall truegrace may be fuppofed to be in the heart. i. When a man doth magnifie, and fets a high price upon worldly and carnal! excellencies and plcafures ; is much taken with outward things, and carryed away with them : Or when (though we refrain our felves from the eager purfuit after them, K a yet I.