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76 The Tryall of come from a fulneflè of bad humours. Whereas there ù amens you envying and firife, are ye not carnall ? i Cor. 3.3. That this argues you to be fuch, for envie and firife arenot onely tufts in themf;.lves, but further they are fuch hafts, as are always the children and fruit of fome other ; theyare rooted in, and fpring from inordinate affeftions to fome thing; which we contend for ; and accordingly if this fire of envie or flrife prove great, it argues thefuel!, that is, the lulls after the things we envie o- thers for, to be much more : For envie is but an oblique tuft, founded on forme more direr tuft : thefe are but the outward flufhings, that Phew the diftemper to be much more within ram. 4. t. F;em whence comes 'wars and ,thongs amongfi you come they not hence, evenofjour hefts Which fight inyour members ? There is fomething the heart would have, as it follows in the 2.ver. Te lull andhave not, &c. A contentious fpirit is an unmor- tifyed fpirit ; Ifye bite anddevour one another, Gal. 5. 15. This 1. fay then, wal1Zin theJirit, andye 'ballnotfulfill the lulls ofthe flefb. Mark the coherence, it comes in upon biting one at another, for fu.hwalke not in the fpirit, fl;fh doth prevaile in them, that is his meaning. 7 Seventhly, the lefl'e able we are to heare reproofs for the br,akings forth ofour lulls, the more unmortifyed it argues our hearts to be : it is a figne we love thofe much, whomwe cannot endure to heare fpoken againfl: therefore (ayes the Apoftle, Befwift to heare, but flow to wrath; take heed of raging when you are toucht ; And it follows a verteafter, Calling away allfuper- fluity, receive the word withmeeknelle, for it is your lulls uncaft out, unpurged, that caufe that wrath and heart. boiling againft reproofe. That good Kingwas in a great diflemper of fpirit, when he calli the Prophet in prifon that reproved him, for be opere ffe4 thepeoplealfo at thefame time, as is laid, a Chron. 16. To. he was then taken in the fpring-tide, and fwelling of his lulls of covetoufnefl'e and opprefrion ; they brake downe all that with- ftood and oppofed the current of tkm : and if (as he in this fit at this time, fo) we be found in fuc pallionate tempers upon fuch oceafions of reproofordinarily, it argues the habituall frame ofour hearts to be much unmortifyed, as this argued him at this time to have beeneactually much diftempered.