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a Cj1rllltayd.f Growth. 77 Eighthly, the more quick and fpeedy the temptation is in 8. taking, the moreunmorafied the heart is : When an objeC9 at the firfi prefenting makes thekilt to rife, and palleth through at the very firfl prefenting ofit,and foaks into the heart, as oile into the bones, and runs through all ; when a man is gunpowder to temptations, and it is but touch and take, fo as there needes not much blowing, but the heart is prefently on fire, as Prov. 7.2 z. it is Paid, Hewent [ fi?raight -way ] after her. Aman will find that when his heart is actually in a good temper, a temptation doth not fo eafily take : his heart is then, though tinder, yet as wet tin- der, that is more flow in taking. As there is a preparedneffe to good wort r,fo there is a preparedneff: to evill ; when the heart is in a covetous humour, and will be rich,then a manfalli into tempta- tions andafnare,t Tim.6.His tufts will nibble at every bait in eve- ry thing he deales in ; they will take prefently : when the heart is thus bird -limed, then it cleaves to every thing it meets with. It is a figne that the heart is not awake, to righ.eourfnfffe, as the Apoftle (peaks, but to fin rather, when a little occafion awake- neth a luft, and rouzeth it ; as when on the contrary, if a great deals ofjogging will not awaken a mans grace. Ninthly, the more our lulls have power todiflurb us in holy duties,and the more theyprevaile with the heart then, the more unmortified and profane the heart is ; as to have uncleaneglan- ces in hearing,and worldly thoughts then ordinarily to pofleffe the heart, and to take it up much ; Thej areprophane (Cayes God, ?er. 23. t t.)for in my boufe 1 have found their wicledneIre. If the heart be carryed away,and overcome with uncleane and worldly thoughts then, thisargues much unmortifyedneffe, and that the flefh is indeed muchabove the fpirit : For why, then a man is in Godsprefence, and that fhould overcome and over -awe the un- regenerate part, ifit were not impudent and outragions ; and betides, then the regenerate part bath the advantage, for the Word and the Ordinance is a flirting ofit up, and provoking it to holyneffe : And therefore that at futh a time a mans lulls fhould be able to tempt and (educe a mans heart, it argues fiáne hath a great part in the heart, when it affronts God in his throne, when grace is in Solio, where it would be; for the Difciples then to be talkingwho fhould be greaten, when Chrif had made L fo