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The Mall of fo long a Sermon to them, and had adminìflred the Sacrament to them, this argued much want of mortification in them ; even as it were a ligne that the orthodox party were but a weak party in a Kingdome, if whiltt they are at Sermons, Papas Jura come in and diilurb them, and put them out. 10. Tenthly, when the.recalling former as committed by a man, prove [till to be a fnare to him ; and being fuggefled by Satan as a means to quicken his luR, the thought thereof loth rather Rir uph s lu[l afrefh, it is a figne of anunmortifyed frame. Thus is it laid to the charge of that Nation, Ezech. 23.21. That /he multiplyedher whoredomts in calling to remembrance the dayes ofher youth, wherein the hadplayed the harlot in the land ofEgypt : The remembrance of them was a fnare to her, as appeares by the 8. verfe.. Ic is a figne a man is deeply in love, when as he falls in love with the pic`lure ; when the remembrance of whence he is falne, fhould make him repent, that it fhould on the contrary caufe him to commit the fame finne againe, it is a figne flfh bath much the better. To have the mind Rirred with new objec`ls and new temptations, may Randwith far lcflé corruption, and more grace, then to have it flirred afrefh with the remembrance of the old ; to find fweetneffe in a lutt twice fod, which, we have alfo often fleept(as I may fo (peak) in godly forrow and hatred ofit, and fo boiled it in fowre hearbs ; yet Rill to find fweetneffe in the rem mbrance of fuch an ad, this argues much corruption. As the.Apo[tie argues the fiafulneffe and_Rrength of corrupt na- ture in him, that the lawwhich was holy and good, fhould flair up his lull whiff} unregenerate : So may we, when the thought of a fin which fhould flair up godly borrow, fhould provoke and tickle corrupt nature againe. Indeed that the new fcent of meat fLould have moved the Ifraelites, would not have been fo much; but that the remembrance of their fleth-pots fhould doe it. That fpeech Rom. 8. where we are commanded tomortifie the deeds of the flejh, may admit among other this interpretation alto, that not oncly the lulls, but even former deeds and as committed, which May prove an occafion offin to us, and havea frefh ver- dure in our eye, are to be mortifyed. C H A P.