Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

r ftheRichman andLazarus. 9 thouhall taught in our lireetes, y. a6. their meaning is,we haue beene at thy table, there wee cate and dranke in the Sacrament with thyhou(hold people; andwee haueheard in many Sermons ofthce by thy teachers In Church and Chappell. To this Chrill reioincs in thenext verfe; I tellyou,Iknow yot not whenceyeare. v,t7. As ifhehadPaid,Ifxiditbeore, and I fay it againe,that ye are none ofmine.Yedid indeed dip with me in the Sacrament : there yee dideateand drinkethe bletled bread and wine ; but doing fo with no goodaffeion, nor fimple heart, yee are and dranke your greater condernnation. Yee were baptifedwith the bap - tifineofwater,but not ofthe fpirit :and yee wore my line- ry,but in it,yee did feruiceto myeninnie, Alfo,yee heard, orfeemed to heare many Sermons ; but yee alwaies left them where yee found them : and therefore the moreyee heard,becaufe yee foheard them,that is, firmally,and not inobedience,the more yee haue to anfwere for. I tell you therefore, I knowyee not whenceyee are, That is,yee are as íirange to meas they that neuer heard of me in the Goß pel,nor fawemy face in the Sacrament. The re.ifons. Theywho beChridians in face , and not in heartand deede Chriftians,are but hypDccites:andbeing hypocrires,l heyare hatedofGod,his foule abhorreth fuch, Lfa 1.14, i5. Secondly, they arebut bailardsinIGael :or, formes of the bondwornan that rmy not be /mires with thefovne ofthe free-wonan,Ga1.4. 3 o.Sornepriuiledges belong vnto them, and for the true Churches fake,they rcceiue mai ' outward good things here; but beingbath rds, they cannot inherit by lawe. And what (hall itprof toman , Ifhe Winne the whc c world, and dellroy himfelfe, ordofe himfelfe: Luk. 9.25. Thirdly, theyhaue to doe with that Godthat will not be mock ,Ga1.6.7. And then,what goodwill it doe them to fay,thevare children,when theyare not 4 if they could de- ceiue God that looketh into the heart,as they can man hat Ofi