Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

VII:. i . Vfe.2. 96 Of the Rich man,andLazarus. Teethnot as GodBoth , they might haue Tome hcpe; but fee.ingGod himfelfe is iudge,how can they be hid A terrour to thole whoputtingmiff in lying vanities, haue nothingof the Church or of true baptifnìe in them, but the name in their meat hs,Ier. 7.4. Such though they fay father 4brah4m,with thisdamned perfon ; yet because they walke not by holineffe, in thefleppescf ihefaiih of Abra- ham, Rom,4. i 2, they are thechildren ofthiitfather, Ioh.8, 44. There is an Ifrael in the couenant,and an Ifrael out; or an Ifrael'ltí Chrifl,and an Ifiaelthat is noneof Chiiils: as there is acircunlcifiunin the fpirit, and acircumcision in. the letter ; ór a circtonei f on of theheart, and circtHr:cifion of f cfh, Rom. z. 29. Now , they that haue no more in them then the Iftaelofanoutward profetiiion , or the bsptifine ofwater, howfoeuer (iudging as men) wecannot, denie them the name and account of Chriflians ; yet whenhee commeth to fee his ghefls (who is ofpureeyes , and hid- Beth otherwaies then man doth) lice will turne them out as intruders: command them to be taken away , to wit,fromallcommunion with hi tn,hisbleffed Angel,and glorified Saints: andrend them to their owneplace,where is weeping with gnafhing of teeth , that is, forrow and griefe mingled with defperation,iklath.2 24 1 3. This it thè portions of their cup. This flhould flirre vs vp to walke with more confci- encein our profeflions. For we may, as with fonaeveile, couer our fin ties in them from men ; but no profeffion, nor figge.leafeofprofe(fion can hidevs from him, whore eye isvpon all hisghefts,Math. 22.1 3 .He thatjearcheth ¡cru- faleriewith lights : Zeph. a, z 2 : but neither with torch-lights nor candle, and can feewithout them ; can find vs out in our darke(a hypocrifie , to whofe eyes ofknowledge and prouidence,all things arenaked,or rs it were,vnquartered, Hebr.4.z 3. His eyes are a flame offire, and with there lightshe pierceth, and looketh through euery mans heart, confcience , and conuerfation ; nothing is hid, orcan be from them. And