Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oft!e Rich tittI i.v d LatZgYtit. f An Item therefore to rr,ercilctfemen, with ac!morai- eon to al now and hereto thew fuchmercy,as they mean to receyue hence and hereafter another day, to due to o- thers;as they would haue God todoe to them : and if they would berefrefsed in another world,to relief}, Gods amore in this: ifthey wouldhaue him to receyue them, to receyue his poore, and to Phewmercy a theywould haue mercy. But this was fpoken of very largely before, on verfe 19. Do,z.and `/fez. onely thus much further: Thou that art vnmercifu l to thy pe,ore brother, and fo f.vellef} agwinfl hirn here in this thy day ; Remember that his day may come, and thy pridecomedowne, when thou rnaifi haue as great need cfn^ercy as he, and in thy reed be denied,as thou denied!} him. If men would confider this, I mane cruell men and 'hard. hatted ; or, if they would belecue what is written, and thinke what may corne, they would bee muchmole, both tender-hearted, and open-handed , then now they bee, layingvp mercy in the Pure cutlody of a merciful' heart. That wherein this Rich man cra.ued mercy, fol. loweth. Andfend Lazartsf rhea heemaydip the tippe ofhis fisher in tvater,&c. As thisrich manwas greatly tormented at the fight ofLazaras, thus exalted in glory : fo bee is madehere to bow downelow at the gatecfa righteousperfcn,Pro. s4. .19. by crauing fuch a fmalthing in fuch humble maner of Lazaras whom he had fo much defpifed : for tvbeg of LazArtss, i ho begged cfhim,and to begge a fìzhaller mat- ter then force crurr mes from his table, (lien orer'rofpeof water; and yet to bee denied byhim who their chunked thericer cfthe water oflife, cculd not but be a great fall.,* heart breaking. Hee that lining on the earth, had fo mai nyferuants to rideorgoeat his ccrrmaurd, had not, nor couldhaueonein hel,to fetchhim in a difhaonepoor drops 0 Vfe; .o