Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

93 U¡t1lc Ricci mOf ,4.5 Lgi And fo Use iex that they (hall receiue no mercy , who 3,& wiii frre Ne none. So Salornon: He that fiopperh his rareat the crying. of thepaore , behrrn(elfe/h.xll cry, in not be heard. Prou. a 1. I 3. His ;neaning is pWnc : as much as if he had faid ,he that tu_netit away,in his cornpaffrons from the needy crying to him for forne reliefe : (hall cry, that is, fall into fuch tra;iCeries as (hall make him cry=, and be neuer thebetter;andS.Tames fayth that mercileffe men flhallre- ceiuc no mercy, l v. es-z, {3.1-Vs meaning is,that they who paie not thei brethren in their afflic`fion : turning away theirBares that they maynot heare them, and (alto) their eies that theymay not looke.vpon thera5;(hail (themiLlues) come into troubles remedileffe,andnot be pitied.We haue the example in that mercilctfc feruant; who, being born with in his debt of the ten thoufand talents,would not beare with his fllow feruant in the hundred pence, Mar. 18 24. 2 8.3o.1 he mafler,withcut al mercy,cafl him into prif,n, till he fhould pay all that was duevnto him, ver.34, which hie could neuer doe, Thus the brethren of lofrph, fuppot ng th°y had beetle met with in theirowne mealure,confeiled that the trouble which they feared, was iufl; Gen 42, z a; and tha ttheywere paid iufily and truly in theirownemine. The Re.' ns. It is but right that tl ey- flr.ould bee done by as they havedone to others, it:4/g L7. and g od rca- fon that theywho neither regarded thecolne andea rnt of God, nor the crie ofhis people, nor the members of his Sonne nor their ownefl:ft), fhot;ld bee as little regarded when they..a;.ein nece&ty,astheyrega;ded God and their needy brother in their goo d;_ye . Seconely,it is but af- ter their ovine-meafare, and the mouth oftruthbath fpo- ken it, that with w ht naeafure we mete, it (Ball bemeafit. ><.e3.'to vs .againe, Math. 7. a,,and fo becaufè their hearts were fhutvp toothers, Gods cares are (hut vp to'theni. Th,rdly, filch thall haue judgement rsiercileffe, Iarne.r, 2. 13. and after iud ement, there is no hearing. An