Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of the R!c r v..et r f:d In3 plots any tre /Cal againílhis King, leis Kingwill he the head that deuif d it (ri), Now ifKings to good purpote, b So ,.ma, andiuflly doe thus; when Gud dot lo, 'v.ice t<m i not cab.' 5.3z doubt, bu 1 -:te that King ofKings, doth it both iuilly ; s. and tieccttar4to ad i11Í . An admonition to vie well all thoie members and V P.. parts, th.,t wee would not haue tobee puniflied tree. e, or tormented is hell. Some that h :,ue abufed their tongues to curling and fweaiing, while ti.ey lined ,zt their death had l,euera rcüiguceyther to confetTe their Gnr.es,_ or to crane pardon. `so when the fift Angell had powrt d out his Viali vpon he throneofthe bcatí, the beat Is creatures that blafphcmed God with their tongues, were tormented in their tongues, and gnew them for Ap.:c. i G, io, T r(..-ade ofa Seruingman in Lincalr,efl:re, vv ho had flil l in his mouth, Golf prectotes 61old, and at his hisdeath, blond M.T'e'k. of ified out moll fearefully as in great f%rcamcs from all parts theré of 11e of him, fromhis mouth, not°, cares, wrids, knees,heeles, tongue, pa. toes, and all other parts , not one free,and fo dyed. Thus 7 t out of blond was paide with blond ; theblond ofChriil propha- I=htl,Stks. ned,with afountaiaaeof blond from all his body. :o Zie for abulingothers cares by words of (launder, haue loll their owne; and many whofefcet in youth were nimble to dance the morrice,at more yeares had neuer a fonte nor leg e tocarry them voi deofaches, itfu_s ands th°rflub, bet's: they that did fpoyle were fpoyled, and fhce that fed vponblond, fed the dogs: Drunkards feeke red wine, and haue red eyes, Ezech.2, 9.1 o I.Km,>?.2 I.z <. Prçr z 3. 29.3 o. And is not drunkennetfe it felfe of en puni{lied with dropfìes ;and filthywhoredom alfo wi h filthy difea- fes ? Hath notthat member in forme been pitditily taken, thàt becarnethe inlirument oftheir wanton fiance What e the fe bnt warnings to vs ? and happy are vvee,ifother mess :harmer can make to beware: but if wee will not learne by others, wee may bee taught by our own feeling. Ofthis bee fure,with out repentance, whatfieuer member ar thing thou abufei`l hereto bee punifhed with the loEfe, or