Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

if4 of the Richmas,andLaz4rus. or in tteargu7ll' ofthat thing or member Deere or hence. lf thou abt fefi all,thot, flualt be punifhed in all. And for riches, (that many regal de more then they doe the Kings domeofHeaucn :) if thou dote upon them, and make godsofthem,makeaccount to loft them, or to lofe that (which is.farre bettcr)for them. The f.; me may be iayd of all other commodities and blefsir-.gs earthly,whether chil- dren, or honour, or pleafures, or friends, Leech. 24.2 5. .5cì much for thisRich mans requefl:; the reafon of it fol- Joweth. For IAm tormentedint'nisflame. ecaufe this Rich man was tormented in the flames of hell, he deired tome refre.fhirg: but what?men a drop water: But what goodcould adreppe, or whole tea ofwterhaur- donehim, (being thingsfinire)for the eating efa paine7infnite A Andye t, as onewho (for the torment heeendured) knewnot whathe did or fpake; bee craueth onely a droppe, not afeaofwater in that extremity. Where wee leave: that the tor.r;erts cf hell, doe not cnely vexe the mindcs-ofthe tormented in hell, but to vexe them, that the tongue is fuppofed, and may bee fayd to talke idldyand foolifhly, it cannot tell what. Thus the d2mnedof the earth, the great men,and the rich men, be. ing far from the faluationofGod, and the lifeof the Lamb, are brought inby John, laying to the mountains ,,Fall on vs,andto the rocks and hits, cover vs fromthe pretence of him that f:ttethon the throne, and from the wrath of the iambe, Apoc. 6.15. i 6.which,what is it but an idle fpeech and impolsibled&fire? For, what mountain can hide from God, who fceth through thedarkecloud? and what rocke and hill can couer from him, who can enter vhen the ioores are That? ioh.2o. 26. Tohim theni .ht. (hineth as the day : the darkeneffear.d light (to i fnr)a' a loth alike, Fjal. r 39;1.2. Jr was fas ¿e cftherriwl-c, in thr trar.ffigu- ration law the gltaryof Ghrif1,that thcy w ill a.c;t y. hiltthey fa; d,