Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of theRichman,and emaruf. Princes countenance upon him e And what comparifon now betweene Peter,Parel,laroes, with other Apoflles and Martyrs ofChrift , and their periecutors g the one to firma pie in the warid,and the other fo great t Whtc; wa1 clothed inpurple,. fie. Out now againe to this richman; who is defcribedhem' by hisclothing, and byhis fare : for his clothing, it wastog curious , and with to much pride and affe&ation 9 elfe both colonrand-fnenei e might hare tolleratcdin fo rich a man : for it is not vraiawfull for great Mento pue on other,that is morecoftly, both apparel! and colours, then. pooremenmay. Bic this manput onpride with his appa. r-ell, and worehfs garments as the efreets ofa lofty minder with thecolatempt of ehepoore: or,hewore (Irangeappa, roll, and fuck as flood altogether in the putting on :there fore ishisapparell cenfured,and he for wearing it Where learne,that all intemperance in appareil, and a- Doer:,, bufe of apparel!, is vnlawfull toall : as, when it isother then belongeth to thefete, Deut. 21. g.which may caute, and be leader to fotne-horrible fìnne: when it is coffly, that is, shoneour eflateand meaner, with eaceffe, or with firet. chingofthe cloth, t.7tm..a.9.u'hen it is light for thefa(Hon or colour; called, Prow.7. ao.whorifh apparell,andZephapes i.8.flrangeraiment:when it is not made.according to tern-- perance and firamefa(lr:es, which is theApoflesfalbibr,,r 1"eí.3.3 but according to entrynew fathion that comes a when as heere it is putonandwornewith the impeachment ofhofpitaiitie, andethercharitable deeds to the poore: for, fo attiring our , weafter a fort vnclothe theta ;and wearing ourappareil with filch contempt,wcare out theirs. And lafily, when itisworne, as theenfgneofaaarrogant and hautic mrnde: filch was, the flaringapparelf of the daughters ofSion , fo much and Iharplycenfured byEfsty 3.16,17.1 8.1g.&c.AndGod-will cloth fuck, for then, gar- 3ent ofglory, which garments of fhame. Keaton :they B3 gl;