Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

fe. I. 6 ofthe RichvonAndLazarus. that were fuch appareil , forget their Chriflian calling, which is,towalkefoberly.?'it. Z.Iz.SecondIy,fuchput their heauen in their apparell, and make it theirhappines, not to goe modeflly in their clothes as Saints, but curioufly and finely in them, as this rich man thirdly,fuchmake netsof theirapparell to intrappe themfehaes and others in it and not onely nets ofwantonneffe , butfponges todrinkevp both theirowne,and the poores prouifion. A reproofe to the maner of attiringvfed inourdayes, and to the proud and chargeable apparell that is fo corn. mon now: for doe not meaneperf©ns nowoffend heere. in,as well, andordinarily , as Gnfull Diue3 ? They that can not fparea penny to a Poore man,can find inough tofpare for their great ruffes,and Glke fhooe-firings: euen feruing men,and feruant maids,thac receiuebut final wages,haue a common hand in this vanitie ; and by their apparell it is hard to know, who is Dicser,and who Lazarsss. It is but a fimple maide that weares not as fine litinenas her mif}reife: and that man is as no body,andofno fafhinn,that is not af- bone in the fafhion as his mailler, or, (ifhe be fofer in his clothes) beforehim : How neare doth thiscone to the cu+ riousand vnmercifullapparell ofthis rich man ? therfore it is not curiofìriein Miniflerstodealein thefe matters , buta neceifarie and charitable labour in them to preffe them to the full in their Sermons and exhortations: for, though fine garments beGods gifts, and the riches ofthe earth , Gods goodnes , yet the abufe of thefe to all proud and vnfober couerings;is our fhame, Our apparell was giuen vs tohide our nakednes ; Gen. 3.21. which nakednes camefrom our fall and iinne : and fhall weglory in that,whichat firfl was, and to this day,is the couer ofour fhame: Is it feemely that a theefe, faced from the gallowes, fhouldbe proudof the halter that fhould haue hanged him : or ifthis bevnfeeme. ly, as littleand ill doth it become Chriflians to beeproud ofthat , that fhould as much humble them , as the halter the theefe ? What difference then, I meane for anygood or foundmatterofreioycing,betweene thy proudclothes and his