Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

ofdhe Richma»,andLazarus. t a5 f yde, Lul.y.13. The meaning is, they were fo befide themfelueswith Ridden ioy vpon that accident, that they fpake they knew not what thenafelues, and yet they law but a little ofhisgreat glory. How then 'hall they know what they fay, or what to fay; who fhail bee fare mo2e carried outofthenifelues with fudden extafies in hell,then they were rauifhed with gladneife heere, whofaw but a -darkelight, alittleof their nai?ersglory? l' Reafont. 'Ifa littlefckraeffe here, orfrme want of feepe.make the head idle, and the tonguefoolilh : What ffall a fìckenefie ouer all partsdoe,and want ofref} for e- tier? Secondly, the damned in hellfeele that that muf} needes ouercorre the fenfes, and take away reafcn. And what can they fayor doe that s reafonable,and hath fenfe who neytherhaue their fenfes about them, nor their rea- f n in an' good order, or nieanes to direr`} there: An inflruálion to take heedewhat wee fay here; that Vfe. ' WC: talkenot idlely and fooliflily(as this foole) in hell.Hc that would talke wifely hereafter, mull both : alke & doe -wifely, that is, Chriflianly, now. But to fp?akew-ifely,is to ipeake as the wordof God, t. (Pet. 4.1 t, that is as Gods wordteacl;eth to,fpeake. Some haue ro care to eeiiuer their words by this n-.e,fure,who therefore talke both idle- ly and ill : but if w re mull giue account for euery idle word, I1/letth. 12. 3 6, then tar our eui<I wgrdes much more And howgreatan account then mull lie giuen for lying wordsand wanton talk,: ?for words ofílaunder,and words ofreproch to our.neighbour e fpecially for words of blafphcmy to God,andcí lewde defiance to God, and his truthe A terrour therefore to allvaineand foolifhtonguess Vie 2. Here menandwomenmakeno confcienceof their talke ;- fo he may bee laying fomewhat: Their tonguesfpeß4e, presdd thin ,, not the r girds of the Lerd that are pure words, Pfal. x 2.3.6, and their dayestalke, all refit is tono good or wifeend, ifnot to their ow: e prayfe, and their neigh, bourn Asunder, or toa agnifie thenfclucs, andcalidown P the