Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

f- O2 the g..;0) mamndL-zz,lrur. 209 feruants fare ill, and yee well : hereafter all (hall be con- trary; when that ¡ling ofremena'arance that bath daggers- pr ickes, beginning to pricke, and you to feeie it. lerernie alto may come in as a witnetfe, who in this very cafe fai- eth, That the waye; and inu_ntiöns ofthe wicked in !i. d ,/h dull end in much bitternctfe, and as it were, in the point of a weapon,. that dull pierc° to-the heart, ter. 4. k8, Therefore fay thedefpifers ofGod; in the boolce of Wifedoine, beingprickedofTheir owneconfciences: )J' paler thou& bi; f. f , fpeaking of thegodly mans life, mad- neffe, and hat endwithout honour; but nowhe is courted4xnonz the childrenof God, and his portion is anaenz the Saints Wifsl. 5.4.5. When they heard this flying in chevoice o f their con fciences,Renaernber[pm!, theychanged their nor,and beganne to fay, What hath our pride profited vs'and what good hath the pompeofriches broughtvs?All thefe things are paft like a fhadow, and as a ?ode that patleth by, verfe $,9. Thus the pleafures of finse end in a very bitterre- membrance. The reetront. Thepleafures of(ìnne are a feet poyfon, that much vexeth thole that cate it : and for riches ill v. fed, Chrid-corapareththerra to thornes. Meth, t 3 , a a, Now, a thorne in- thefoot caufeth great paine; but what prickingscoma from fuch thornes in the confcienceeAlfo thelufls of (lanearebut baite; that haue hookes in them ; and when the baite ofCnne is gone, the hooke abideth dill in the (inner. Secondly, it is a part ofthe tanners pu- nithrnent tofeelecontinaallgnawings and pullings after (inne committ::d, by that worme that dyeth not ? And if fo here, howmuch morein that lake that burneth with fire and brimlione, where (inners fha,il receyue all their pen. nyworth: together? Thirdly, thepleafures of the wicked goo away in their death, tfthey continue till theydye, as they often doe not.; But to haueBeene happy,and to bee naifer.able; what can it bring but horrible vexation and death beFör,: the titan. ? and how can itbut torment the firmer to re.nem'jer that he , who once, was full ofplea- P 3 fures,