Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

I lo O C eRi 9 rrWi,ana Lazarus. fures, is now filled with paint? and hee w'ho had fo much lining, now,dead, bath nothing: that is, nothing butmi- fery,forrow, and his ii,fi delert in the paines ofhell,and fee cond death. r. An adnìonitior!,not to ffedevpon the fwect neat of linne, though neuer fo well fawccd by him that bids vs to cace, but to ourdeflruc`îion ;atleafi, to a great difietnper, andgenera :1 diforder inour Chriflianhealths, or Chri(li- an (late. Ifanywould entife vsby the colour ofthe wine, let vs confider that the colour ofiris deceitful', and, as we heard, hath a bitingloifeofremembrance in theend of it, Prom. z;. 3 2When the firange woman, that is, the harlot fiattereth with her words, Proor.z. 16, let vs auoyde her, as wee would fomedeepe ditch, Promr. z2. 14, a whore is a deepe ditch,fuil ofgreat danger; hee that falleth into it, Mall hardly rife againe : not weake men .only,but Circííg men haue beene deceyued by her, as Samproor; nor fimple men enely, but the wifefl,as Salem& -x, Prose. 7.26. 27. Perhaps thou mayefi beecalled out of the good way by fuch as fay ; Come,catl in thy lot withvs, wee (hall finde precious riches, and fili our hcufes with ipoyle, `Troll. I. a 3. t 4; that is, doe as weedoe, ae,d you fhaIl bee rich as weeare : but content thounot : for there will bee a bitter remembrance olall thefe things one day. What got Bala. am by the fw-eet wagesof . finne which hee lowed: was bee not call away by them? lade i z. suchwages offinriepre. uayle much at this day with too many : and with none more the thofe that fhouldbe mofifree beltowersofthe fa r-ed inheritanceof the Church : but for Chafe Patronesof Church linings that fhould bee faithfull docrekeepers in Cods houfe, andyet giue no freeentranceinto thedoore of the fheepe; but fell that way for money to Simoniacall Hirelings, fuch aswill open the doore, foonefi and bell, with a fluer key : let them not forget that thefe greedy inorfels will come vp againin an vp braiding confcience at the day oftheir death, ifthey repent not now in their day; and fFrike themwitha remembrance that will flicke as