Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

112 of the Rich ran,andLazarus. thefc,and all fuch as thofe, wil' oneday mmember vs, or bee remembred to vs,though we would forget them;there is a Table of remembrance kept, and a booke of lttnril which w ill bee found in all corifciencc s that are not pur- ged before they goe hence;for,confcience followeth fmne as hell doth death; and then they fï,all heare of all,that here would not endure to bee told of any : nothing (hall theft bee concealed, where here nothing muff be knowne.0 therefore, let vs now remember as wet.ftiould,that here- after we may not rennéber, or be remern br ed as We Would not too late: orasthis Rich man in hell, So muchfor the manner; the matter ofAbrahamr reply followeth. That thou in thy lfetimereceyuccsfi thypleafures,&e. ThematterofAbrahams reply by deniall flandeth in two things, which made the Rich .mans requeft impoffi ble to begranted. The .firff,in this verfe; the fecond in the next. The firrl is, becaufe hee had his heauen of plewfures -here, whichended with his end, in death. The fecond,be9 -ante Godhad inviolablyThat vptheway, as with an euer lafling barre,hetwenheauen and bell. The firfl is taken fromthe ic.tlice ofGod, which rcquiteth thofe withpains, whofor theirplcaf::res here, put his poore (as `Dives this Poore man)to paine. The fccond is taken from his ordi- nance eternall; which is, that therelhallneuer bee any re-- leak out ofhell, or patfage andpath -way betwecneheauen andhell; andThis in the next ver.fe.Tbe fir fl thing in this firtl reafon ofdenial, is taken from the contraries of plea hires and painehere: whereby pleafures we are to vnder- fland,not lawfullpleafures, but the pleafuresof ilnne: and by paine, the pailles ofpocerty and hrn,ger in godlyLao zmisnot relieued, nor anyway pfttied by rnercrh ffe Dip *es. For fi ply,this Rich man .ct uldnct be condemned,, becaufe hehad pleafures here,and Lars .paine : but be- :caufehe altogether here followed his pleafures, andwould not with hiscruriunescafe thispcore dins raise :.as if 4.brae