Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRichm4rk,andLea ari's. T ì H as clofe to them, as this of 4braham,- to Diuer, Remember Sonne , or Gburch-robber, Remember that heere thou foldellheauen,and thy part inheauen for money, I nn;ght thus goe through the land, but it (hall not neede, oneiy thin is taeedfull, that eueryprivate perfoi remember that his fLanes whatfoeuer theyproue to bee, ifheerepent not for Ihenn,andforfake thenn,will kaue a bitter after- fit, in ,his nnind,for the time tocore. And let all, young and olde,and all remember this. A terror togreedy fanners; foroneday they (hall heare thevoyce oftheir conlcience in thefe two vpbraiding words, Remember fonne. I may adcle, remember daugh, ter, or daughters ofpride remmm er; Rem tuber 'oin, how thou flewefl thybrother, and remember Itiaas ho thou foldell thymater; and remember Saud, how thou perfecutedll thy friend . Dirces, thou that wouldefl not give thy crummes to&MgrPS, remember , Sodome, thou that didll fo vexe thy good neighbour, remember: S.nners ofthe oldworld; ye, that did nothingbut eate anddrinke, and marry and glue in marriage, till yee were all buried in that vniuerfall graueofwaters, remember : Andyee that in this world,and noweateand driake,and takeyour e:fe, neyther caring forheauen, nor fearing hell or iudgement ; this that is fpoken to the rich man in heII, may-one day bee fpoken toyou there, Remember. Sinne is an hypocrite; honey inyour mouth, and poy- fon in your floniacke : itthehoney which is in it deceyuc you; the poyfon that is in i t, will kill you. When the hog ney oflinne bath (pent his ple:;fure, the poyfon that is i.n linne will worke by incurable vpbraidings;& then comes, Remember f nne.Thenwee mull an fwer for all, that cana notanfwer for one : allthe fpors ofour youth, Sc all the finnes ofour life, all the lyes wee haltstolde, ail the oathes wee Niue fworne, all the'pleafares that wee haue beene los tiers of more then ofGod ;orar drunken cups and compas nies, our whoredonns,ouroppreffions,our pride,our thefts, ourfianderings oftheGofpella andof our neighbour: all the% V.fc. z.