Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

IT6 if theRich oun,tnd L iz:trHf. what good end can they mike out of fobadbeginnings ? Let themconfider this, who takenopleafure inthe feruice ofGod,and take fomuch .pleaf_3re in vanity;whovpo:r the Sabboth kaue the Communion ofthe Saints. At Gods. houfe, to haue communion with (inners at Tauernes.. or. in Tome Alehcure: and who day after day, fill thernfelues with wine.and (bong drinke, and f eke not theLord ; as they haue done,fo theymeant: to doe 8ä1l; to morrow, as- today,Efa.56.ra. Let them alfo confider who .arefo. tender, and keepe thetnfelues fa tenderly, that no winds' may blow vpon. them ; thewebbeoftheir life rugs all in an even thread, & there isno knot in itcoacerning thefe outward things, or ac it is in thePfalme, Theyprofperalarayer, andincreafe in ri- cher, Pfal.7 3 .1 2.'Their eed9 it c fl ibllfbed i4 their ht; and their generation before their eyes, Iob 21.8 : But will it be euer fo? Iob fayeth, Thecandle ofthe wacbd fhall bee path ostt, their eyes(hallfee theirde.círsegion, and they(hall drink ofthewrathofshe Almighty, ver.;7.2o, though there bee no changes in-their life, nor gam ..r in their death, Piú1 73. 4, and though their branch bee greene, yet fhall they beecot off before their day, lob z 5. s z; that is,. fooner then they thinke, the flame thall drye vp their branch,v..3o.&. -when their night is once come,where are they? They haue had their pleafures here; their good dayes are all pa it &gone : that-which is behind when theygodow.nto their graue, is forrow and darkeneiTe, and theeuill day that (hail neuer kaue them. lob the righteous, and lode the Ap,(lle f;y. They acre appair/tedteit, lob 21.30. Iude Q_,,.or kept and rei ferued for ir. So (.`pet. 2.9. And what comfort can there be in fuch pleafures, or (hart dayes ofpleafure,whofe end is with fuch bitternes,.and the recottapence etern l death? What hope offuch fottifhmen; turned into bcafís, and mattered with fenfuality: whatfooles that for ple,aftres fo' vainé anddearely prized, willgiueheauen it1.exchange, or their part in heauen ? Honours, wealth and pleafures, are cafuall, vn(table, deare, anddeceitfull pennyworthes; Let