Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

OftheRich snan,andLaxrrrul. 7.17 Let vs therefore leariieto vfe themwithout trurl, and to want then. without g icfe : fa may wee haue them heere with comfort, and notbe'worfe for them, whcn weegoe hence : bur take wee lieedeofall that fefowfhip , which for thewyes it taketh, may well bee called the damned fellowflip,.or damned, crew, offilchasl:auetheirpl.ea.fu es here. Thefe things ire but chafF ; and who would with fuch earneffnetTefllow that chaffe ofmlrh ót pleafuies here, that euery winde ícattereth? Pfal, I. 4. Who but fooles would fo much difquiet thernfelues about vaine lhadowes, purfuing this pleafure, that commodity, and, thofe preferments earthly ? and knowinghow much they may coif vs, who would count them. that loue their fal.. uation, and wouldnot heare; Sonne, thoti ball had.tky pleafisres here ? -. Areproofe.of thofe who count them thennefy happ e )J.2. men that alwayes(b) Lue at mil, and haue their fill of plea- 15 lures in this world ;for,hadnot Diuer,to whom 4hraham., (yet)faith ; therefore, or becaufc ofthat, thou art t©rmen, ted ? Now=are they happy that-are tormented ? or,is there anyhappines in that~ andare theynot rather as Oxen,fat= ted to the day ofilaughter t And iffo, theRateof thec.o .e in this life,is much ratherthe plaineand direetway to true happines.. For,throasghmanyafßidions we enter into thekina. dome ofGOD::A71. 14.2 2.this is the waywherin C 1ST led,and we muff follow ; being conformeable to our head in fufferings. By thefe Godbrings his children into a nee- rer acquaintance with him : who (but for them)_dvould be flraungers to their owneFather; and who by them-, or by means of them,are made tofeekehimdiligently. Hop 5. L5. Worldlyhappioes(then)being fucha.nhinderance to true happines, how can they be happy indeed,that aremoli hap. piethawas ? and how can it bet° themabletied thing to h-ìueno affliction inth irhearts.orvpon their bodycs,and cfates; when to heaft: &cd (fomefilchway) is their bail war ro gl9rie cuerÏafling ? OfLazarres it is Paid that hereaciued paire, Lnzeirsuwas Q3 dare