Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

Vfe,Z. 12® of the Richman5andLazarus. truly; The deeper i.n bell, the higher in Hcauen. His meaning is, then more menkele it herefor tinne,tbe further they are from ic,and from (inne, that caftethinto Hell for euer. A reproofe ofOráf;tar error, which was, that after a time the foules which are in hell hall come out,andthat at lati, or after a thoufand yeares, the feuils themfelues Ihall bee faued. Alto the fpeeches of harrowinghell,and ofbringing foules out ofPurgatory; that is, foules out of the fire of Heil, are lying fpcechcs : the faith and Ij eeches of Pa- pi(is,andthe "current doarine of the blind worldct Chrii fenclorne, till within thefehundred yeares : for they that are in Hell, neuer come out; and she e(fate in which we dye is con (Tant,and the fame for euer. Cam and Seuil, and bsdar,and al reprobates,as they fell in their bodies, fo they 'Steals rife in them to judgement:nobetter inperfon,nor in better manner. A comfort to thofe whole hope isin death, and whole death is peace at the lati : for as they dye with much corn. fort, fo they change not after death; but are much,and e ternally comforted; their foules.prefentl,y; and feule and body after a while. In this hope they lay vp their faefh, andin this forehope ofa better, vnchar, geable,eternai life; they lay vp,as in fweet fugar thehardenparts both of.their life and death here. They know that they fo tell in the .handsof God,(whofcwaycs(as his gifts and calling)are all withoutrepentance- R em.1 1.29.) thatthey hail not bee retneued for euer. And this hath macle many to patie through the very flames cf fire to God with aioyful calm- neife. It made our godly fathers (as may.befeeneat large in the eleuenth t o the Hebrezrer ) quietlyand gladly to- fuifer much and great aduer1ty ;for theyf aw him that châ- geth not, and looked for their abidingCity, Fhb. a 3 . ' 5. And fliould not, may not this, inas' a,furance, and with like hope encouragevs, as for a price, to fet forth (as theydid) to death? So to rtitme that Vee may ebtaine, I. Cor.9, 2.45 So tofight,3hat gee 77M) cwercomcé 2. Tina. 4. S ?and