Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftie Rich rnn»;and Lazarus.- r.2 g? And fo to feeke Gods faceof favour hereyìhat wee may continually feehis face ofglory in heaven, and euer bec with the Lord? PIaI. 17.15. So much for Abrahams reply This rich man is fT» 1,cfed to reioyne,as fblloweth. `;der. 2q. a:ll< Thenhee fyyde,lpray thee,cc. Herewee haue a further proceedingmade in this Pa. -rable,andvnder theperfon ofa rich man in hell,by the fi gure Prefopopcea, And in this the Rich man is brought in againe, making another requeff, which is alíodenyed. From which fuppofed requell thePapifls would gather, that theblelfed Saints in heaven haue careof their friends onearth; that is, infpeciall and carnali manner of thofè friends whomthey knew familiarly, and loveddearely in the world. But they gather that which the Textneuer fcat- tered; and it would beeremembred, that thefe words are the words ofa Parable, and not ofa thing done; thedrift whereofis (as may appeareby the anfwer made,or fuppo- fed to bee made) plainely toproue, that they who in this life refute to giue creditetothe Scriptures and word of God, mayhopein vaine tobeecalled bymen from the dead. I will not deny but Chri[lián charityabides in the Saints in glory,not byfpeciall remembrance ofone more Chen ofanother; for,fuch charitie in them extendeth it felfe indifferentlyand generally to all here, living, or yet vn- borne, whom they loue as themfelues; yet it is ill proved from the exampleofa damned fpirit in hell : for what charity, where is nothing but all hellifh hate and bitter- mile: And to fay that thegodly in peace, fiould be trou- bledpartìcularly,orin fpeciail manner about their friends affayres below ; what wereit, but much toderogate from their true ref} in the place where theyhaue fulnci e ofioy andpleafures for ever ? Pfad. 16.11. And R