Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

1'24 Ofthe Pithwa.in,4ndL1zzrtis: 39. this is the ma! fureWard, t,Pet. r.19.or that which can neuer faile vs : all wordsofmen may. This onelypricketh. the heart with Repentance,which(without it) no miracles from Hcauen, nor wonders.on Earth candoe. fl-a: t . 37. So Heb.4.12, it is adifcerner ofthe thoa,zhts and intents of the heart. And therefore the heart being deeper then any Eye createdcan looke into,it muff needs.be wonderful/to the fa- uingofa tinner,aboue all words of men or Angelis. A great 'Prop 'icte had no other light of direc4ion to his fteppes in truegodlinetfe,then that which wasplaced in the lanterne ofthe law. Pfal. I 19, r os, and this hefollowed ita all his way to heauen. Herein the manofGodhimfelfe,the Minifler, mayhaue an.a6folr,te furniture of inftruc`Iion for hisown e wayes,and the Peeples committed tohim. z.Tim ,, ;.17. And fo it is plain, that nr, line can beiudged flraight to the&ingdameofGod,but this of theWord,and they that arc drawne by it. The Reafons. This word is called the wordofFaith; Rem.. to 8. and none but this. Now, what wee may beleeue,, or put faith in,is fure. Secondly,it is asa. [ennui Tree of life, Profs 3.18. If fld41 had eaten of the firfl, beecould not haue dyed : no more can theyperith, that fTdevpon the Word, thefecond tree of8ternrtlllifè. Thirdly, itis the tanElify, íngrtraath.loh.17. i 7.,P6 i .9.9.That is,that which(&,which enely)prepareth, and begettethvs for the holy Crttae, into which nethingmay+cornethat isvncleane. Ap2c: zt. 27. 12.14. and(therfore)as fire it confùmeththe Rubble ofour corruptafiedions, M4tth.3.11. as a fword it.cutteth from vsour petrified parts,and members oftinne,Heb.4.12.and as Salt(that is fauory)it miketh our words,and whole cone uerfation in the Gofpellfwectly torellifb,and well tofatiour, vnto edification, among all that heare,or lire with vs. Vfe is againfl all itching after noueltyes, not reflingin that which is written. Said, who would not heare Simnel aline, went to his graue to heare him there. 1.Sarn. 2 8.8. a very vnmeete pulpit fora Prophet to preach in. Somewould haueAngels to teach them,and fonieTooke for,