Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of theRich min,axadLaurie. 123 Vet. 29. Abraham fayd vxsto him;They he 6'c. in this fecond rcplie,Abraham tells therichmars plainly, that they get nathrxg t!y all their labeur , whoforfaking the Werd, ¡coke for Resielataens; and whowill be taught after their ownefancies, not by Gods teaching,norby theordia harieway,and meanes appoyntecl by him. Againfl fuch, God himfelfecomplain es by his Prophet, Paying : Shasald not apeopleenquire at their Gad ? Fla. 8.19. and therefore the meaningof thefe words is,that the Word deliuered by totes and the Prophets, and, accordingly fince, by Chriff and his ApoIles, is the onlyordinary meane to conuert fine hers toGod : and therfore they that refufc graceby it, fhall noway receiue it from the Grates of the dead. This I conceytie tobe the meaningofAbrahams fecond anfwwere to this rich man : and to be theonely rearm' why this fecond petition wasmade, and thisperemptorie replie (fecondly)made vnto it: wherein for orders fake,wee may note his anfvver in fubffance : and the vfethat Abraham, makethof it. Theanfwer in fubflance is, that God having ordained the Wordwritten to be theonelyordinarymeane for thecallingofhssfine Brethren,and all ChriLlians all meanes etli- uing) to repentance ; it onely is í , diuided from it,vaine andvnefFethuall. Which,fir6l teacheth,that the crlyfealed rule of faith to Dal. i faluaticn,is the Scripture and word of God written. This is that path,thatleades to theWay,theTrtth,and Life,Chrifl lefns : For, fo faith He, who is all thefevntovs,loh.146. . and therefore he biddeth the ¡eyes to (arch : that is,exad. ly to fearcb : or,as Hunters,wvho ftrike euery bufh, feeking the game theyhunt for: and tofearch thef"cr,ptures, that is, what is wvritten,notvnwritten vanities.For,(fatthhe)in them yee t hinke tohaue eternali ltfe,and they teIli fieofme. That is,:,; them yee may finde Chrj1, and it i Eternali life. 1chi