Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

Ofthe Richmari,aradLazarus. T29 alitatein theLaw, who delight not in it ? And what good hearingwithout meditationt They that reioyce in vnrigh. teoufnes, w?11 newer reioyce in theWord, that rcproueth finners, and for fanne, 2. 7hefa. z 2: and can filchproue good hearers? Surely, when filch heare theWord, (which they heare with fo little good will, itcânot.but (b) flip te b Heb.z.ra runneout, as liquor out ofoldetubbcs, orwater out of a Sieue. And thus diuide our hearers into foure kinds of ground; thefourth ground,oxpart ofground will hardly be found toreceyue the feedeand doctrine oftheGofpell withgood hearing, Moth. a 3. 8.This Chri(l reproued in the hearers ofhis time : and if our times bee fuch,are they not times ofill hearing, worthy to be rebuked in the gate, that is, openly,andwith authority?Tit. t, Y s. The fuppo- fed replyoftheRichmanfolloweth, Verfe 3 o. Andhefayde, nayfather Abraham,e&rc. It pleafed not this Richman, that his rich brethren,. drowned in wealth, & in thedelightsof lìfe,fhould heare the word at themouthofanyofGods ordinaryMiniffers, whomheknew theywould defpife : and therefore, or becáufe hewouldbeecontrary toAbraham and teachhim, not learneofhim; he maintaineth fill hisfirfi wicked po- fLion 8cprinciple, whichwas, that onepreaching to them from thedead,would doe more good vpon them for true con uerfion , then all the Preachers liuingcould,-- And therfore he fayth,Nayfather Abrabam,d-c. or not fo,butas I fay, and as I rather with; who neuer loued this teaching by theWord, whether dwelling on earth, or damned in hell. Indeede the way which God by his ordinance hath cornmaunded for faluation to men,is the hearing of his WordbyMores and the Prophets; but that way is not fufficient, or I hadnotBeene here: andifhee would giue way for this(that I fpeake of,) my fluebrethren fhould not. S conic