Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

130 Ofthe Rich mtn,andDorms, come hither. Thus ineffea hee reafoneth again ti God, in fpeaking toAbraham, rather then hee will :,:onfeife the way heehath foliowed,and would prefcribe toothers, to bee(asindeede it is)deceitfull,and to de[lruetiu n: From hence learne, that the nature of thewicked is ra$ ther tocharge God, then themfelues for fione. So doe they whom Chritl will let on the left handofdamnation,in his laa Fudgement:for, they fay,Whenlawwee thee an hawed, or athir f , or aftranger,or naked, or f cke,or in prifon, and did not mirìJier vnta thee? Iviath. zS.4q.: as ifthey had fayde, Thou chargea vs that weefaw thee hungry and thirfly, Sc withoutclothes, and inGcknefle,and prifon, and did not helpe thee ? but when did weeeuer fee thee in fuch (lraires and want,and withdrew our hand ofhelpefrom theeeAnd therefore we haue wrong to be io charged, and the thing is not true. Thus Adam blamed God for giuir g hiin no better a wife,not himfelfe for following in euill, whenhee fhould haue led in goodnetfe. Thewoman,fayth he,which thou gauea to be withmee,to wit,as mywife Sc helper,Gen.3. 1z. Thusalfo moa vile reprobates impure theirdananati$ . of to Gods will that cznnot be refilled, Rom. 9. 19. And that reprobate that hid" his talent, fayde, I knew that thou wall an hard man, Math. 25.14; fpeaking againfl Gods feuerity, but nothingofhis own finne. So they fayd that Gods wayes were not equall,who themfelues were quail no way, Ezech.t8.29: The like we read-e ofCain: for he when God reprouedhim for the bloud of his brother, fpeakes not ofhis greatmailer, but ofhis ouer hard pu- niflarncnt, Gers,4.r 3. He thought that God was too fharpe and fpake too feuerely to him for it. his plaine therfore,, that it is the natureofthe wicked to blame God, and not blameworthy man. ?heReafons. Wickednaen areproud by nature, and proudmen will bee in nofault.Secondly, the Deuilschil- dren(fuch asthe wickedbee) arecontrary to Gods chil- dren; and therefore where they jullìfie theLord, thefe iu - . ílifie.