Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of theRich man,andLazarus. 133 adultery is again( the fecond Table;; but this is againí God in the firft; and a man may bea corporali Adulterer,. as Di uiel,and yet not hate God : but hee that goesa whom ring from him bya worldly and cmuetous heart, cannot but [land vpagainil him,as thehaternfhinm, arid enemy of his couenant. An-inatuc`l:ion to emptie bur mindes andhands ofall thorns ofearthly cares andpleafures,before wecome to the meanes offaluation in the aifernblie:; lctl,asthornes inour fowen fields,they make the word4.arrrn and withoutfrisk inourhearing. They that plough and fowe their fieldes, will ridvpby the rootes,all Bryers,thorns, andbullies, So Should they vfe no letfediigence to free their hearts fib' the thornes andbulges ofbadaffections, that corm. heare : ancithis.fore-skinof a coue.ous and wanton heart, Mould likewife be circumcifed by the fph it of God, in a newcrea- ture, ifthey will harewithptezfure and commoditie, fer: 4.4. But theywho come (}uf withworldly14s,, (hallgoe away emptie of heavenly filings. So faith blefedc larie,in her thankful'fang : He bathfilled the hungry withgood things, but the richhefendeth away emptie: to wit,ofthings that are truely good;. Luc. a..53. and io their hearing ismade dam, nable, and with finne vnto them.. A like inlru&ion to becontentedwith a meaneEflate, and to refrain from ail delireofhauingmuch in theworld- liepart.. For,the world is adangerous morfll, i.Tiw. 6.9. Molt nìngo awhoringafter it ;..and the belt men call(but) too wntrnanEyevpon it. Which inaketh the Lord in_theíc outward things, gather ro keepehis childrenfbort, for their good,then to furfet them with fumes. And(here)he dealeth with them,as wifeParents with their.children,whorn they truely loue. For, when they perceiue them toabufe vnto wantónes,a full allowance,theywill draw back their hand ina fparerportion. So God,perceiaing his ch:Idro;(becaufe they befull-fed) wantonly to take pleafure in the gauds & fallzions of this world, doeth therefore many times keepe them low,.& denie them that platyof thefe,worldly thins S3``, yfe ;. tl