Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

1-32 of tbe-Rich wan,andLazarus open thame,or the confiilion ofour faces?Dan. .7:or doe wenot rather breakeout by impatience and bitter cure fing, at the leatl by frettingagainfl God, and his righte- ous iudgrnents , as toogalling andrigorous?Thecondem. nation that is ofthemfelues,fomehaue learned hereof a damned foule in hell to transferre,not iuflly vpon them/ felues,but vniuflly vponG©d, that theyhaue wrong to be damned : for,fay they,how can we chufe, when God will haueit fo ?Rom.9. 19. But thisRich manknew byhimfelfe,that the loue ofthe wordcould finde noentrance where the loueof world/ ly pleafures had filled theheart : fo it had in his flue bre. thren andtherfore he wasperfwaded that all labor oftea- ching by the wordfhould be in vaine and lot} vpon them. Do& 2.. And here we fecondly learne, that worldly couetouf- net%and voluptuous life quench in natural men all defire offaluation.by the Word : for fuch will not come to the Atíemblies with the bidden guells, who abfented them-, feluesby their Farmes and yokes ofoxenfromit, Lr k 14. z 8.19: or iftheycome, theyare fuse: to-come without all affection ofhearingthither;& their mind goeth after their couetoufnefre,.zech,; 3.3 i.Theirwitsare fo exercifedSc taken.vp with thoughts about worldly things, that they haue neyther leafure nor mind to attend to the word de- liuered,or hauing fpétall edge(thisway)bcfore they come: beingCome, theyfall afleepewhen they fhould heare;or if they be awake,and linen a little, theyhaue neither loue nor liking to that which is taught. The Reafons. Worldly riches rand voluptuous life are thorns, L k.8,14; as therefore thorns make the fowne fields,vnfriiitfuil, fo the thorns ofriches and voluntuous life make the wordwhere it is taught vnprotitable.Second -. ly,thefe are enmity toGad,hw .4,4,andwhat enemywill not in cc 2 'r,.:;n,doe all he can to delroyhis enemie? Thirdly, .i7 ay that folkw. thefe lulls arecalled, ifthey bee nien,adui erers,and ifwomen,adulteretles, I an7 4.4: not oorporallabut. fpirituallawhich is farce. worfe5 for, corporall adults