Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

O f 'the Rich rndn aarsdLazàrtas: 137 liueby their meate,and hauea gooddigeffion.for the righ. teous,the more they cate fpiritually, the more they rnay: Fooles fay to theProphets, Trophefie not Amos 2.1 z,that is,ípeake as weewould haue you,or faynothing;and these are fooles indeed: but Chriffians (that are godly wile) fay ço the Prophets,that is,to thofe that teach thé in the word, Prophefc right things tovs, Efa.3 o. Io, that is, tell vs of our faults that we may amend them; and INherin we faile, tell v.,that we maydo better hereafter, or, Let the rreteoua Taut Vf, towit,with the feucrityofthe Law; for that (hall be a benefite,'Pfa/. 14t. g; that is,that (hall doe vs good in deed,and faue vsfrom theTweet, but killing poifonof Pat_ tring lips; andlet not their tongues,nor let them(that haue f ach tongues deliroyvs. Thelaf# anfwer of4braharn,, or hisanfwer to this rich mans reply,follovrcth. Yer, 3 1. Then he fayde,iftheyheitrenot Mofes,*c. :"lhrahamperceiving that words couldnot fatisfie this im' portunate & cnntentiotts rich-n,an,breaks offal further talke with him,and leaveshim; telling him (at parting) whichhe had toldehim before, that UV'ofes and the Prophets muí be heard to faluation; and that not beleeuing theWord, it is import-able tobeleeue without ir, though men Thould comefrom thedead vntovs. And thus bee concludes the Parable,and all fpeech with this rich man in it. The cons clufion is that which already was fpoken of; and the re. petition thereofis fafe for vs, Phil. 3..i: for, betides that it Elandsvpon a filmgroundoftruth;it is auouched twice,the better to afrure vs, Çen.4 r .3 z. And it teacheth that there is noperíwadingof him that will not bee perfwaded by theWord written, Therefore fayd the counterfeit , snivel toreprobateSail: Therefore doeIt then etske®fnae,ffeingthe Lord is gonefrom thee ? z.Sam. z8. z 6. as ifhe had fayde, Ho`vv !hall I perfwadetchce, when God by his word can T not