Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

_._..._ .,. 38 bpheRichmsayndLa arts. not? and what anfwercan I make when his Prophets will makemone? v.15 . So leremic, Their have reieaed the fiord of the Lord, and what Wifdamase it inthem? Ier. d,9, that ìs,the word cannot teach them, and what then (hail teach them wifedome? Therefore Moles fpeakingofthe ordinances and ]awes whichGod had comnrnaunded, telleth thepew ple,that to keepe and do them is theirwifdonse, Deut:4.5. 6.his meaning is,that ifthey will be treely wife,or made wife vntofaluatian , it muffbe by the ordinances & lawes writ- ten : or,if nof by thefe, bynothing. AndChri(f fends the lewei to the Scriptures, tofeareh them.., : not to deadmena graues,to rake in them. /oh:S, 3 9. As ifhe had fayde,eyther there, or no where. For, to refoluethe /ewes, concerning whomne the FatherTint: what could do itfooner, or fo well as the Word, that ismightie inoperation,lirrely for edit fication : Heórewes 4.12. The reaföns. Firff, nothing is written in Moles and the fcriptures,that is not written in theheart of nature,Rom.2.14. ¡5. Andwhat natural/ Mom doeth notconfelfe theeffe&oftheLaw, as that which is fo deepely engrauen in hit m,thathecannot rubb it out by any pretencesor colours to the contrary? Secondly,theprophe- ryes that went before,aredaily fulfi;led.And whatwill they 6ciceue whoThal doubt ofthat which theyhaue heard,which they hatlefeemmewith their eies,and which(erscn)their hands, in forne fort hate hsndledofthewordoflife? z .Ioh. z a . But all thefeare contained in theward written: and(rherefore) they that refufe toheare it,what wil theyheareeThirdly,itis fafe to heareMofes& theother writingsofholy ovenin fcrip- ture; but fafeno way(Sathantransforminghimfelfe(as hee doth)into an angel of light.) to leane veto things notwrit- ten: or rev vpon unwritten vanities,taken vpvpon credite, offath5 thefather, as oflyers,fooflies,loh.8,44,and wher- fore hath Godgiuen vs a molt lure wordofthe Prophetet, 2. ret.r, z 9.but that we (hold not leaue acertainty,for anvn- certain tie : or gocfr6 that which will furely leadevs in our way,to that which wil be lure to leadvs our: Fourthly,the wordwritten containeth the proinifes off;maßexcellent life, and