Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

z, tS oftheRichman,andLazarus. ling in there, the Lord of our wealth and hues buy take thefele3fesfrom vs, andpronounce all theelates we hold ofhim , forfaited and voide by mifbehauiour. So he dealt with hisSteward, from whom he tookeaxvaythe officeand place whichheabufed, Luk i 6. 2.3.And it is his great mer- cy, that he Both not, in like fort, prefently enter vpon vs, and our eflates,whohaue fooften and long by fundry naifi prifions, deferued a caflingoff. Now (then)letvs giueall there conuderati.ons their duerefpeet,and fay,ifthefe thing: maybecalled our owne , for the which we are tègiue to the Maifler fo !Idaaccount, when he fhall fay bydeath, to euery oneof vs ;them canfi no longer he Steward, Lake 16.2. whichbeing fo,men haue final caufe to beproudof this,that God bath let themvpin worldlyrichesand greatnes. For, towhommuch iscommitted , of themmuch (hall be requireda. áaine,Lt41 2.48. The more menhatre,the more menhaue to anfwere for : and the more wealth ; the more billes of debt to further, either their faluationor condemnation by Godsiufl iudgement. An admonition toail, vpon the penaltie ofdamnation, to giue to Gods poore,as God bath giuen to thenn,andblef fed them.God bath fo cómanded,'Veu. i S. i i.He that giues ell,commands vs to ttuetoail thatflandinneed.E/ay fo fàith,and fheweth why.His reafon is : theporeareourfle/h,Efa.58.7. Brethren are neere ; but our felues arenearere. One bro. ther may doefor another:but who is fovnkind that he will not doe for himfelfe ? It is a finiteofthefpirit to cotter the naked with aparr ent : Ezeeh. i 8. 7 : but fgneof an illjpirit to vncouer him,or to keepehis couer fromhim : Andhe is n® goodman who hauing two coates, will not giue one, ra- ther then fee his troth. r perifhfor want of one, ¿uk3.1 Our Sauiour, whobeing rich,maele himfelfepore to make vs rich, will haue vs togiuealines offueh things aswe haue,Luk x i.4r. That requireth vs togiuealmes,either in moo ney, or in that which is money worth. And therefore, in Lstk. i z. 3 3,hebids vsfell th it we haue, that we may haue to giue to furti as neede. For fome might fay , I would wil. Tingly