Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

ofthe Rich rnan,d,adLazar ': 19 linglygluefomething to Clirill in hispoore,but I haue lao thing to glue. Therefore faith Chrifi ; you fay youhaue nothing togiue; buthaue you nothing to fell ? no corne in your Barrie ? no 1luffe in your houle ? Ifany,rather then your brother Mould perifh, fell it, andwhen it is fold, giue it tohim. Neither doth Chritl limply command this, but with prornifeofa recompence, who may command with. omit. Forhe faith : Giueout of thefe bagges, and will giue you other and betterbagges. And it is lure, ifwe lay vp a penny in heaven, we (hall find apound there : hethat fcatters there(hall finda large increafe.Ifwefowe any thing vponChrifl lefus, the feedeofreliefe that is call vpon hies, is bellowed vpon a thankful! Toile ; it will returne with vo fury what we lay out vpon it. Chrifl is nobarren ground, and a cup of coldwater fowen vpon him , will rile to the great haruefl of a cupof glory. Alfa and further, forthe temporali returne, theLord by Efay telsys, that, ¡fivere- fre/h thehungry and troubledPaine, hee willfatisfie our foule ín drought , andHake our bonesfat ;andwe jlealbe likefpringt of rater, whole water: faile not. E¡a.5 8.i o: Heere are very largepromifes,lndhe that maketh them isfaithful], for is it not agreatblef3ingofGod to beprouidedoffpririgs ofwaa ter in agreat drouth ?isnot the fattingof thebones in fame common Jeanne Ire fent vpon others for a punilhment, fomething worth: Is itnot good prouidence so lay vp that in our daies of plenty, which will bePure, not onely to comeagaine, but towatch the time, when forour rieede, it (hall be moll welcome tovs aand whowouldnot giue, fo to rcceiue againe ? But all this is pronaifedhereby theLord vnder the broad feale of his word. And why fhould wee (then) be foflacke in the liberal.l layingout of fomething for an euill day e whyMouldwe feare tocall our breadvp. on f ich waters,where it will befound againe ? and tomake Godour pay- wtai(fer by gifting to hispoore , Prou.i9. i 7,feeing all that wefogiue lhallbe repaid fo finely , and with filch increafe ; But filither to prouoke vs toa worke ofcharitie fogainful' , andfo commanded : let vsremember that it is D z not