Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRichmn,itiidbluras; secondly,itis good that foreMould be fullto giue,and fore empty to receiue what is giuen, Deut; z 5,1 z. And if noman were inwant , who &hall be ferued a and who woulddoe feruice,as now,neceffitie compelling theme or, how cnuld mercy be (hewed, ifthere were not any to ex. ercife mercy on ? Thirdly ; God that by his lawehathforbidden to ileac, dothby thhe fame lawe allowe to a man his intereff and peace in that which ishis,exod.aoet S. And ifhe hauefuch title to it by Gods allowance : his hauingof it cannot be (imply euill. An inaru6tion,con tentedly to beare a pooreeaate, fee vfe. z; ing it is not euill ; and not couctoufly to affec`i: a wealthy life , feeing it is not good, but by good vfe. Ifourpurfe be full ofmoney, and ourfoule be esfull ofwickednes, what better are we : or rather how much worfe ? For, we haue cuili in our heart , andmore opportunities by a wealthy eílate (beingeuill) to vtter it : A rich euill man may farce goe beyond a poore euill man in deedes of wickednes. Andwhat doff thou knowe what bad wares are in thy heart, which thevenomofrichesmuff needes makewerfe, becaufe more corm .csbleby the infectious aireof thy example andauthoritic,beingmade rich andgreat: Which being fo ; what haft thougotten by thywealth fomuch de. fired , but more weapons to wound thy foule deeper to death? Befides ; can thy riches fauethee from death ? Heere we haue a man that was very rich, and yet died : or,can theydeliuer thee from hell ? Be as rich as thou maitl,as rich asthou hauegone to hell. Nay, they cannot cure theeofa poore ague, or from the leaf( of Gods firoakes faue thee : howmuch letTe can theyface thybody from death, or thy body and foulefrom eternal' death ? This fecondiv,Mould excite vs,ifwehauewealth, to be Vfe.2. thankful' to God for it ; forhee maketh rich : or ifwe be poore,to becontented ;for he maketh Poore. Nottohelpe our felues by vnlawfull or cunning fhifts, when we are poore: nor when Godhath made vsrich, todefiehim (as it D 4 were) 23