Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

24 . ®f bi" Rich04n,a dL4 dig s were) byv(ngour wealth to hisdiflionnur,and by truflin g to the broken flafeof riches. 7rrrfl not in ;obbery,faith Dg.. mid ;and ifrich etonereare,tru. not CPS thcrn,P/ah62.1o, As if it wererobbery , andfo iris, and that agaiufl God, fo to doe. Salomon likewife bids vs not to leefneto or oane yip dome, that is, íhifts or fetches : as ifhe had faid ; though you haue wealth in abundance,and theworld at will, trufl not to that; for what truff is in that : but make God your troll. Some taketheir wealthofGod,and thanke the diuell fork 5 by giuing praife, withEcI7,gtgr , to their gods of gold and fatter, Dan.5.4; not to the true God whogives them their gold and lìluer. Somealfo in neceffitie , will bowe downe to Liirule, inone falfe trickeor other, to helpe thefa3felues. Such carenot to lye and to dif%amble, and to fivearefalfely,or to fweareany thing for an aduanrage : and fotxe lauing abundance , trufl their whole weight unto it, as to a irafle that will neuer falle. But God breakes that flaffe fuddenlywhich they thinkewill hold euer , and in a moment,they are turned out ofall. l need not to goe faire forexamples ; we hauein°we,dead and }itling ; and let the liuing lay it to heart , whatfoeuer the dead did. And now (moreparticularly) for _Lazarr+r: Latarir is defcribed heere by certaineattributes , and effec`ls. Theattributesare, his miferableconditionoflife hisname : and his fores. Theeffeas areproper tohimfelfe, or out ofhimfelfein other. Theproper effects are, he Iayat the rich mans gate houfe,andd&tired a refefhingfrom the crutnmes,or leauings ofhis full table. Themiferablecone ¿litìonof thispodre manwas, that he was driuen to begge. The text faith, there war acertaine 6e ger. God would not hauea begger in Ifrael : that is,hewouldhauenone fo much gaegleefed in Chriflìan Ifrael,as that he fhould be compelled tobegge,or(begging) to goefiom doore todoore. There- fore,that Lawarur was thus forced to begge,was the fault of the time,not his,who (being full of iores) couldnot other» wales doe. boar,2. Whichagaine teacheth , that it is a corrupt time and Elate where