Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

26 6f tbePM) yi?efi3,andLazirzs, in the Church, and fomewhat in the Cornmon-wealth i out ofcourfe Or is order refpeded,and good lave execu. zed as it ought,where fuch vngodly di folctteneireis neither refirained, nor Io©ked vnto s? O that the fwordofexcorn. I; unication, and the Magii}rates ftiarpe fword of iuflice were walking here a that bathwould acquite therfelues, (ac they are ordained) for the cuttingoff,or amendment of Bich oifendors ; which I can but pray for, and fo proceede; the nameof chispooreman folioweth. a, Named,l:atarus, We heard that the wicked rich nunsname was not t as ken of,wehearewhat this godly poore mans name is,For is herefet downe in Gods regìfler , and Paid tobe bmaraus: And fo we fee (as was obferued vpon the I9.verfe, the hrfldocrine) that where the righteous haueanhonorable naernorial1,thewicked hauenone, orofnogood favor 5 but as a fnuffe, burning.in the focket afterthe lall flameof life, But this hatb bin already fpoken of. This goodmans name is Lawaruc,or Eleaz,ar by interpretation,Godshelpe. We fay to our beggers, God helpe you ;butGod faith to them that be godly,andbegge g l will helpe where manwill not.. Andhere we learne that the righteous, though poore, are refpeedof God do are not thewicked, though rich. fa braharn the father ofbelievers, and himfelfean excellent be- lieuer,had not one footeofground in the land wherein hec was a ílranger ; yet how richbecamepoore andvnlanded Abraham , byGode fauour ? Who was greater with God then he ? and whowas called the friendofGodas he?./aj 1 . . Ruthwas very poore ; yet being poore and godly, how carefully did God looke vnto her, as inhisowne peril fon ; and how richly in marriage,. did hee betloweher Ruth. Z.8.I lit a2..15.16.ÓL3. 0.1I.I5.&4.10.33. And loth note nttah, in her Fong, fay ; that God raifeth vp the pore (the meaneth the godly poore) our of thediefi , and// rethvp the bbeg ;er,that is,beggers'fuch ais Liar a4 rt,i.r thebeggcr