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ofthe Rich mt103a4dLa.4rra. 27 *is) to let them among Princes, and to make them inherite thefesteefglory? z .Sari,z. 8. If wewould haue more examr pies, thereare a cloud ofthem in the holy Flory. The fcope of which, containing the covenants that are betweene Godandhis Church , giuenvnder the broad feales of the old and new Teflament doth fhewe plainely and fully, that the righteouspeople in whole heart theLords word is, are fure al waies ofcomfort and fafety from him. And there- fore in fundryPfalmcs,as z i 9.z. z,& t I 2. z,fuch are called Robd; becaufe he that hath called them, will bleife them. With this, Damid made his pillowe,when he lay downe to íleepe a Pfal.4.8 ; and in aifurance of this, bothDavid, and the feedeofDavidhad great con fidence,in their greatenad- uerfitie;knowing that they could not but do well,or be in fafety whom the Prince himfelfe will countenance,Hef. 6,64 z. Thereforethe fame DaHid, fpeakingofa righteous perfon,promifeth him, that the Lord will be his fhieldand uckler,`Pfal.9 1 .4, Now, ifGod be the fhield and buckler ofthe righteous, then they that flrike at them, mutt 'bike throughhim,beforetheycan come at them. The reafons, The righteous are called Gods houle, or temple, that is, hishoufeofholineífe : not which he fetteth cut to Tenants,but keepeth in his ownehands,and dweller in himfelfe. Now,vvill a man fuffer his enimie tobeate his houfedownevponhim,becaufe it is a poore one, ifhecan chufe : But God can chufe: andhe that isrighteous,though Poore , is Gods pAlace ; and what feare then thathe [hall not bekept ? or whodareoffer to pull downe Gods houfey thepallace which he refpe6teth fo much, and not be fure himfelfe to be pulled in pieces, when it dialllland ? for he that is a wall ofdefence to his people, will be waltof fire rohis peoples enimies, Zechar.9.8.8c z.5. Secondly , the righteous,though poore, haueGods image in them, and are as thofe children that in molt things refemble their father. Now , ifmen loue thofe children molt that aremon like them ; will not God much refpec`l_ his owne image , or ra- ther himfelfe in a true Chriflian e Thirdly, trueChrinians, Ez and