Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of tbeRichmin andLazarus. 29 wicked,neither foknovvne,nor affifledbyhim, muff needs perif=h,Pfd.t.6. Ifthen we wouldhauea lure naile in Gods fafetie, and not wauer or doubt when many are fhaken,we mutt thus be el}ablifhed. And who wouldnot be prefer- ued, when thoufands perifh ? Euen ilalaarawould die the . deathoftherighteour,Num.23.I o. He that louednot righte- oufes,defred to die as the righteous : but becaufe he deii.. red his laflend, whofebeginnings &middletoit,he neuer caredfor,he hadhisend, not in peace as the righteous, but in blood: For he was flame with the fword ofthe children ofIfrael among the curled Midianites, Nntm.31:8. It is aI- wales thought to be the bef} husbandry (and for worldly hufbandrie it is) molt to graft that, that will be fure to doe vs the moll earthly good : and therefore iff luerbe offered, wepreferre it before braffe ; ac we doe goldbefore flitter, if wemay haueit Andhe were but a foleor mad man,who running for a crowne ofgold, would be call behind,for the takingvpofeuery pin or point that might be laid in his way. Thisgood husbandry wouldbe Ieene in our care to be good, the onelyway tobe happy , and fafe in dangers and that other folly andmadneswould beauoided in our race ofreligion , as theapparent loreofewrcrowne efglory, t. Cor.9.24. 25. &c. And here let vs knowe and remember, that gold, compared with the way ofrighteoufnes, is infi nitely werfe then it ; yeatviler then the bafeflcopper corn- pared with thefineft gold,and thelvilefl clay fet in likecon pardon with thepuma filuer. And what comparifon be t weenea crowneofgold,and the crowne ofrighteoufnes Or,were it folly,yea rnadnes,for pinnes and trifles to lofe the prize of an earthly crowne : and is it not greater both forty and madnes, for the trifling pinnes ofthis life to lofe the crowne of the-next ? and for vncertaine refl, or rather certaine vnrefl, to aduenture, nay lofe all furety oftrue peaceand foundhappines, here and hence ? TheApoflle S.PawI,whenhe fpeakethof the happincane ofour other life, magnifieth the fame farre aboue all temporali felicities, both or worth and continaunce ; and therefore callech it a E 3 farre