Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

V-f:o2ó 3G °fag RichmalI,arrdLaZdrsss. farremog excellent,and eternallweight o fgory,2. Cor.4. z 17; To be excellent is much : to be moll excellent is farre more : andmore yet , tobe farre m©ff excellent : but that which is added ofbeinganeternallweight ofQlory, f'rpaffe4 therm all, as it is Paid ofthevertuous woman byLemuel,or Sae lomon in the t?rouerbes ofSalomon, Prou: 3 1.29. Salvation then, which the Scripture calleth the faluation ofGod, bco ing fo excellent,or farre molt excellent a commodity, beo fides temporall fafety, & otherblefngs temporall into the bargains 3 fhould incite vs to become holy and righteous as Lazarus,that we may find the fruit whici he di t,though we hauenot his name:that is,may find Gods helpein deed, as he had it,in name and deede. A comfort to thofe whofeconfciences are t prightand fet in the care ofreligion. For, Godmuch refpeeteth them, though thewicked mocke them for it. They that takeHa. 6akukes course, and trembleat theword, /hail be inHaba. kakes cafe,and haue retl,that is,fecuritie,in thedayofaffli7ion, Ha6a.3 .1 6,Such are ahoule built vpon the/eatenpillarsofGod, P 'ou.9. z. And that which is fo built,and by fowife a build der,mu1lneedes hand in all weather and changes,Mat h.7. z g.Wicked menarc as chasteand duff that aredriuen away with a fttail winde of aduerfitie : Pfal.z.4.: but as poffible it is for a man with his little finger , to ouerturne a mouna Caine or high hill , as toouerthrowe the hopes and quiet cflateof therighteous,P/al. z 25.1. The gatesofhell, and all the diuels in hell cannot preuaileagaintl a true Chriltian, i14ath.1 G.j 8, whole bell welfareand fafety, is not as a cote tage builded on rotten props, but as a caille that flandeth onmighty pillars. Let the wicked then,with their fellowes in euill, fo6.2 z, z 5. Mal.3. z4, blafpheme thegood wayof righteoufhes, fay i ng, that it is to nopurpofe to befo godly, and precifely religious ; and that they arc more wife that take more libertie: here we fee that the righteous haue a foundation, and that hewho path builded them as mount Sion,is that maiflerbuilder, whofeworke abideth euer: A/i the haire, of their head rarennsbred,J1ath,to, 3 o. True it is, that _- -- _. : á> _. _