Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

36 ofthe RichMx studLitzarur.. our meate: He clethes vs with bit righteosfnes,and thalt wi- thinke it much to cloth himwith our call appareil : He bath prepared for vs in heauen ; and will we doe nothing for himon earth ? Nowwhat we doe to poore Chriflians , we doe tohim : and what wedoe tohim,muíl be in more then in a peeceofbread giuen himat our doores; we mull lodge him, and clothehim,anddoe other thingsvnto him :freely we hastereceiued,freelywemegiue,Math. 0.8 .Somuch for thispoore mans fores;theeffecla,by whichhe is further deb cribeel follow. The firths. which w41laidett hisgate,&c. In the greeke; T he was laidprefirate , or all alongatthe- rich mans gate-houfe. It islike, he could neither (land nor fit, hewas fo full offores. And. where we reade oftherich mans gate-houfe ; it may be gathered he had a large and 'latelyhoufe: a houfeofgreat receit,andmany in houfe,be fides his traine offeruants, and the company ofdogges he kept. And though all thefc hadhoufe.roorne fuffìcient,, and inough for the belly, yet a righteous poore man full of fores and hunger, lying at his doore, could haue nothing. For(asfollowetb)thoughhedeíred but crumnnes,he could not haue them. What can the rich man fay to this ? that he fawhim not ? He could not goe out of doores,but hemuff fee him : for he lay at his gate.That he was able to worke ? Hewas full offoxes, and could not.That he had no fuch neede, wherefore then did hebeggccrumnies,and not the wholebread of the rich mans table ? That there were mal ny,and hécould not ferle all ?Wercade but ofone, men Laarut. That bee might haue gone to other houfes, to beggefotnewhere ? It feernes he could goe no further, by his lying along in the place,and'his fpeedy death there : that he might haue chofen to corne thither e Nece(fitie drone ; and hope to find fomething, where fomuchwas flire ring,inuired him the rich man faredwell , and fumptu. oufly,eueryday. Thisrichman (therefore) is without all excuf