Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of theRicbrkin,andLazarus: 37 èxcafe ; as his dealing was without all mercy toward fo poore a rnan. But where one fo refpecîed of CGed , is fo humbled by him at a Churlesgate , we learne that it is no- Doetr:' thing firange, God fhould beginne his viutation at his owne houfe. Saint Teter faith,Thetizne iscome, that it muß be/o, z . Pet.4. t 7, and Chrifl : Ourfriend Lazarus poet!): fob.' T.t z. That is, is alreadydead, -,r. z4. So when thede, flroyers were fent again Ierufalem, their charge from God was, tobeginneat home,at his owne Son uarie,E..cch. 9.6. And when the Lord would vifit theproud heart of the King of Agnsr with his deflrtaçl;'ons; heprofeffeth to doe all hisworke, to wit, ofvifìtation vposa mount Sionand Ieru/alem, his ownecitie w4I hou,aoldpeoplefirfi, Efay zo, 12. .der.: 5.1 2, Thebittercup ofinch:gnation,fpokenofby ¡ere. mie, was prepared for many Kings, and a large people and worldof men;-but who-muGdrinke firfl ? and towhom was thiscupofdefolattonby thefword Fire$ fent ? Was it not to the cittie wherehis :tame was calledvon, ler.2S. 29.dc49. i 2. Was not Ierufalemplagued fire}, and many and great nations after her :So a poore man heere is fore vifited, and the rich man fpared till his turne come. The realign. He that is the Mailler ofa family, winhaue aneye tohis ovinehoufebefore Grangers. Sohe that is the Lord of hispeople, will firei looke to his ownehoufhold people, an-d after to the Grange-children. Hewill fluff nun, tune with correction his owne formes and feruants';and then fmite with detlruclionand-plagues all that are forth ofhis houfe,being not fonnes nor feruants,but eniniies. Secondly,it more iuflifieth-theLord, when he will not fpare (trineat home, fo neare him ;and cannot but more tin lence the enimie_when God 1hall vi-fit for his fume. For he bath letfe to fay again!! him when his owne haue not draped. Thirdly , God will not haue- his childrencondemned with the world ; therefore he will chaflen them, when hee fpares the world, thatis,fini ers in theworld, z .Cor. z f .3 2 Hewill pull theta hi betimes , and becaufe he louts them,; P.' 3 dead°