Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

oftheRico; 01.121,41id La,arras. 39 row in their miede, or outward members. For except they can make fure,that they haueno Iinne,it is fearefull to be at fuch cafe. And ifiudgement beginne at Gods houfe, ei- ther they are not of that building , or his iudgments mutt beate vpon them. Beuides,continuall quietnes and peace in a finners ltate,proues that the f rong mar bathpofpffion, Laiia 11.2 . But where a Ghriftian is once made , there is no end offlirres in the body , or warre in our mortAII bodies, the flefh lssßing agaan.Fl the Spirit, Glat.5:17, till one fide yeeld : which is neuerfeene in the children of regeneration, till corruption , that goeth not out but with the going out ofthe lafl enimie be doneaway. Further,we are fenfletre offinne,except God make it bite, as if he gane it teeth by his correc`lions: and if our hearts doenot fmitevs, as him,7.Sam.24, how merrily doe wegoe away with finne, carrying it as eafily as Salop/ondid thegates of Aztah? Itidge 16.3. Now, is it terrible to line in finne with to fmaIl re- morfe ofmiede and confcience as they doe , whore cares Godbathnot openedby his d;fcipline Then it mull needs be a terrible thing for men, confiding offlefli, to feele no crolTes. But mull lodgement begin at Gods houle ? Then for thecorrce`tionofGod,beginningat the righteous,what doe they but teflifie for them that they are of that houfe that God fpecially !Vieth a e 4mos.3 . a. The branch that bearetb fruit heporgeth, to wit,wichhis correlions,thar it maybring forthmorefruit, loh.T 5.2. That is , the Lordofhis ovule' vineyard comes with croft-es, as with a pruningknife in his hand topare vs,andto dreflev*hatbe branches,) that bee ingyet but weakely fruitful'', we may be made fit tobring forth fruit plentifully in duties ofpietie to God, and ofloue- tornen. And for theft outward thingsof eife, credit,and a wealthy life, what are they but medicines for the difealeof fin nee Thereforehe that dietethhis children will give them' there things , rather as medicines to heck them , then as meates to fill them. For no good Phificion will prcfcribe that vfe of medicines that he doth ofordinary meate. FIee- than :7