Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

Vfe ro 3R of the Rich muAndLazaygs. deale fharply with thern,lrlebr.i z,6,when the winked Chaff goe free : as a father feeing two boyes fighting, whereof the one is his owne,will correct the child that is his,and let tke other patfe. Then, though we be Gods children and houfhold fer. cants, yet are we not exempt from the rod ofhispeople : there is a iudgement that befalles both good and bad, and this beginnes at Gods owne houle : and though none haue more fecuritie then the godly in common calamities, yet this pronnife to them,being but oftemporall bleflirgs, is to bevndertlood with the exceptionofthecroffo,Tfal.89.3 z.3 3. /oh. z 6, 3 3.For as the mother that waines her child, layeth wormwood or force other bitter thing vpon her breafl to make the child to kaue it : fo becaufe, we are toomuch af- feeled naturally to the world , that is, to the tufts ofthofe profits andpleafures whichare therein,except webe wained from it by force miferies and crc ifes here ; therefore hach God layd vpon it the wormewood ofcalamitie and trou- bles, to the end that we (his children) might not too long hangvpon the breathofit for weakeand vainematters, or that which is but the limple food ofworldlings. Whatif God had for any long time, fpared thevfeofhis rod and flaf-fe toward Dartid,his owneKing.Pfal. 2 3.4, Hehimfelfe or another in like cafe (ifnot he) tellesvs :before l' wasaf. f ic7ed 'went ofray, Pfal. z z 9 67. The Lord laid this rod away, butfora little (pace, bygluing him fomc ref}from warre and troubles abroad ; and fo footle as he awaked f om his afternoones fleepe,he beheld a fìght,ftich as Adam after his Caine, fawe; whofazne himfelfe naked, and ranne f,omGod,Gen.3.7.8. z,Sam. z x.2.3,4. Againe, till God brought him tohis Sanduary to fchoole ; how fooláfl., and ignorant 11,4 she) and how like abeailbeforehot ?'7-14/.7 3.17. 2 z. Are we better then David : or could not Dvatid beru- led without firokes, and can we : Therefore neceffary it is, that iudgement, which beginneth at God3 houfe, fhould(if we beof this houle)beginne alfo at vs. A terrour therefore , to thole who feele no N,I orke offor row