Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

58 üfthe Richnso,andLaz,aarta. and continual' vexations, as not to defìre with the change ofthe place, a change in thee: matters, naiferies and condi, 'dons ofna:,rtall life? Whowould not depart with Jacob, and lire to depart withS:ìn:on, in fuchacafe? Lrc4.z.29. Gen, 3 1, 17.18. Death in itíelfeisfull of btternes, and by nature to the nature ofnam, The very kki. offeare, lob. 18. 14. and who,looking vpon death with-thepfòor zipan his f rce,and armed with finne, will not giuc backeat his approach, and fay, °fay one a little? Pfal. 39. i 3. But when death flail beeconfiderdwith the aduantage, that is, as it is to the righteous, and as Ciarift bath taken troni it the vifour offeare totheen,and toal; thatloue his comrning: the dayofdeath, as the day o" the I ewes delitierance from Hamfa.n, cannot but be feaa day, anda good day. Efi. 8. )7. a day of claw;ranee from the H4manofhell,from the power offinne,and powers of darkneiTe. The Apollleconhdering this, defired to bee gone : faall wee thinkein a defperate moode,as they that care not which end goesforward? No, buthe did it vpon good and hail grounds, knowing the l,appinelfe that wayted for him,andwhich waiteth forall that haue his thirfl to bee wih Chriff. The feareof death is naturali : fochildren feare to got inthe'darke: but the feare of it, for itfefe,isweake: For naanytimes death paffeth with lel&epaine then the torture of a limme, But the death to befeared, is the death that r hath finne in it : and the reafon ofthereare,becaufe iìne that brought it,is fearefuil, Now the godly mans death is no filch death, hawing the teethoffinne pulled out ofit, that it cannot bite; his death is but his fleepe in his bed, and reff fromhis labours : and therefore tohim todye, is no more then to 2,oe to his reff at night; orhaaing efcaped the fea, tocome to theha- uen where he would bee, Pjal. io7. 3 o, Andwhowodd feare fo to doe ? But their bell preferment is,where (here) they arcabfentfoam Chrifl , there they (hall euer be with him : where (here) they pleafe Godweakely,and offend lama