Horne - BT378 D5 H58 1619

of Rich rsa0,4ndLararUU$. 59 him daily ; there they flail both pleafe him, andenioy leafures with him for euer : and where (here) they are rangers, there they iball beat home in theirowne Conn- trey and proper ayre, with the whole Wetted Trinitie,the Father,-Socane, and holy Ghofl. -So much for that which is common to the rich man & Lazarus, and for their different eflates on earth : trick dif- ferent effates after they left the earthfollow. And wascarried bj the Angels into ilbraharnr bofQnse. Thedifference that wrs betweene the rich man and Lazarsesaftec their death, was greater then (before) in 'their life here: for Lazaras went to heauen ; It is fayde that the Angels carried him, as in their hands thither. The other went to hell; It is fayde, hee sas in torments in hell. Herr lace art couldnot beebrought by the mea neff in the richmans hcufe into the wicked rich mans kit- chen, is carried by the angels (which for that purpofe at- tend the godly at their death) into thebofcrne ofribral m, that is into the glorious heauen of Gods prefence, where. Abraham is, and whitherall Abrah ms children come,Hee that could hauebut the dogges here tobeare him compa- ny,hath now thewelcom company ofthe Angels to acted. him. 1-1 e whom no man regarded, the Angels now honour : And henow feedethon the treeof life,that could not hauethe ofFals ofthe Rich mans table to feedeon. Is not this a great change? But filch honour had he ; andffcb honour have all Gods .Saintr. Further,ir thefe words, and in Laz4rus,two things may beeconfidercd; as, bywhomhewas carriedandwhi- ther. He was carried by the Angels (fayththeText' that is, by thofe fpirituall,heauenly,andmoll excellentfubfian- ces, that mini(ler before the glory ofGoad continually: for thefe glorious fpirits; Gods goodAngels,and thofe flames of fire his Miniflers does by diuine comniandcment, nil- nxfIer to the beyresoffaluation; diuerfly vv'hiles they liue,, It and